Tag: sober
I gave up drinking for a year, and it was easier than I thought
The last time I drank alcohol was 1 year and 1 month ago. Why was it so easy to give up drinking? I can honestly say that there was no decision made to ‘stop drinking’. I simply didn’t have an urge to drink in the months that followed that last drink, and before I knew
What I’ve learned halfway into my ‘three months without alcohol’ challenge
In its earlier days, Hello Sunday Morning encouraged people to “do an HSM challenge” – a period of three, six or 12 months completely without alcohol. I recently started working as Head of Marketing with HSM and decided to get into character by giving this a go for the first quarter of this year. I
Some harm minimisation life-hacks for the Christmas period
For all its positives, Christmas can be a challenging time when we are trying to focus on our health – those parties, heavy food and socialising can mean we are low on sleep, eating to excess and without the usual structures that keep us functioning well. Often we’re torn between wanting to enjoy life to
It’s never too late
June 17, 2018. The day that would change my life forever. I started drinking at the young age of 14, and I fell in love with being drunk. It made life fun and entertaining, and turned me into a more sociable and likeable person. It helped ease my nerves in a social environment and made
Glass half full or no glass at all
If you find yourself having an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, should you just stop altogether? Or should you try to moderate your drinking? Our Daybreak health coach helps you discover the best option for you. Members on our supportive community app, Daybreak, often debate about whether it is possible for someone to be able to
Today I choose to not drink – with Osher Günsberg
We chat to Osher Günsberg, one of Australia’s most recognised TV hosts, about how he learned to change his relationship with alcohol by taking it one day at a time. Osher shares that he lives a great life now and can choose how he spends each day. This wasn’t the case eight years ago. “There