
Understanding Relapses
Understanding Relapses Relapsing, or going back to drinking after a period of not drinking, is a normal experience for many people. There are natural challenges along the change journey There are also additional life hurdles to making changes to your drinking Knowing your personal warning signs and understanding what leads up to a lapse is

Sleep Strategies
Sleep Strategies Alcohol does not help us sleep better! While it might help us fall asleep, it affects our quality of sleep Let’s look at factors currently affecting your sleep and find some sleep strategies that work for you. How alcohol affects sleep Research suggests that when people who are heavy drinkers stop drinking, they

Relieving Stress
Relieving Stress Why we drink and what happens when we drink too much is linked to our mental health. Two common reasons for drinking are stress and anxiety. Maybe it’s drinking to relax after or during a stressful situation. Perhaps the kids coming home from school. After a hard day at work. Or at/before a
Navigating Relationships
Navigating Relationships We talk a lot about having a healthy relationship with alcohol. But what does a healthy relationship mean exactly? Research shows that having positive relationships helps people live longer, healthier and happier lives. When alcohol is in the picture, relationships can get tricky. People commonly use alcohol as a way of managing relationship
Managing Urges
Managing Urges Experiencing a strong desire to drink – commonly called an urge – is something that most people come up against when starting to reduce their drinking. Learning how to manage your urges is a fundamental tool in changing your relationship with alcohol. What are urges and triggers? Sometimes it can feel like urges
Mastering Mood
Mastering Mood Often we can get stuck in a mood and not realise how it affects our behaviour. When it comes to drinking, it helps to know how our moods can affect our choices to drink and how much to drink. In the long-run, being aware of how mood affects drinking can help you gain