Daybreak Community Guidelines and T&Cs
Community guidelines
Hello Sunday Morning provides the Daybreak app in conjunction with partner organisations, including the Australian Government Department of Health. Daybreak is a peer-to-peer support service. Daybreak is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship members have with their health care professionals. We do not provide crisis support or counselling. If you live in Australia and you or someone you know is in crisis and need urgent help, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or, in an emergency, call 000. If you are living outside of Australia, please contact your local support services.
Daybreak services include our peer-to-peer community, Drink Tracker and Care Navigation.
The Daybreak Community Guidelines are designed to create a safe, anonymous, supportive community forum.
✓ Please do:
- Get involved! A good way to start is to share your mood and support anyone whose posts you find useful.
- Respect other people’s beliefs, opinions and personal experiences. Be non-judgmental and don’t make assumptions.
- Be yourself but stay anonymous. Don’t post your or anyone else’s, full name or any identifying information and don’t pretend to be another person.
- Keep your log in details secure.
- Report content. Please tell us if there’s content that may be causing a problem. Also use the report button if you are worried about someone.
- Be considerate that content you post may be harmful or triggering to others.
If you are experiencing a crisis, it is important you contact your local emergency services. We do not monitor the Community Forum requests on a 24 hours/7 days per week basis, so it is critical to your safety that you do not wait for us to respond.
If you live in Australia, please call 000 if you (or anyone else) are in immediate risk of harm. If you live elsewhere, please contact your local emergency services.
All members must respect the privacy and confidentiality of other members by not sharing content from Daybreak outside of the community. This includes capturing screenshots or taking photos of your peer-to-peer feed and copying and sharing people’s messages outside of Daybreak.
✘ Please don’t:
- Don’t spam the Daybreak community feed repetitively
- Don’t use an email address or username that could identify you or anyone you know, in any way.
- Don’t include any details of locations that could identify you in any way. For example, mentioning Melbourne may not be identifying but mentioning Finley may. Note, anything that can link a member nickname with a location may be identifying.
- Don’t post any inappropriate, obscene, offensive or provocative content.
- Don’t break the law in any way, and don’t encourage others to break the law.
- Don’t post discussions about illicit drug use in detail or mention specific illicit drug names. You are free to share your experience with illicit drugs, but not specific details of usage. Please use drug class terms like “Stimulants, Depressants, Cannabinoids, Psychedelics, Opioids, Dissociatives and Empathogens. Don’t post with commercial interests in mind or to promote any specific religion or political ideology. You are free to disclose your stance on a particular topic, however specific discussions about political agendas or policies will be removed. Discussions need to remain respectful, without hate speech, and focused on your relationship with alcohol.
- Don’t refer or invite members to third party sites e.g., social media or Spotify, through the Daybreak app etc.
- Don’t provide professional advice such as legal, medical or financial
- Don’t provide any advice which is potentially harmful and/or illegal.
Don’t name or mention prescribed medications in a post (i.e. specific prescribed mediation names like Naltrexone, Prozac) Please refer to these in general terms such as ‘medications for reducing alcohol intake’ or ‘antidepressants. Don’t recommend or ask for advice about medications, supplements, treatments or therapies. This includes advice regarding substances (including supplements or vitamins), which is considered medical advice. If you would like to support other members, please recommend they visit their GP or the National Alcohol and Other Drug hotline on 1800 250.
Note: When discussing medications, supplements or vitamins it is important to keep in mind that we do not know other members’ medical history. What is okay for you may not be okay for others. We encourage safe discussions around these topics, but please avoid mentioning prescription medications by name, e.g. Valium, Antabuse, Naltrexone, and avoid detailing dosage. Please advise others to see their medical practitioners where able.
Don’t post or behave in a way that interferes with Daybreak or disregard App controls or directions from Hello Sunday Morning staff.
How to post safely in the community
We want you to feel comfortable to talk openly in the community about difficult experiences, but we want to encourage you to do this in a way that meets your needs, as well as protects vulnerable members of our community. To help with this, we have put together a few guidelines that may help you to talk about your experiences safely in the community.
Think about what it is you need
If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings and are looking for immediate support, there are services who specialise in providing this, such as crisis support services. To access these, please click here.
Think about how and what you post
Certain topics can be triggering therefore, out of respect for people with a lived experience and survivors, please do not publish content that contains graphic or specific details, or any descriptive account of:
- Your or anyone else’s medication or dosages;
- Recommending diets, potentially harmful weight loss practices and BMI ;
- Self-harm methods or plans;
- Traumatic experiences (e.g., death of a loved one);
- Sexual or physical abuse; or
- Any other content that others may find distressing or harmful in any way.
Post a content or trigger warning
This can be written at the beginning of your post. If possible, write the body of your message in the comments section underneath your trigger warning. This will give other vulnerable members the opportunity to make an informed decision before reading your post.
Some examples of when to use trigger warnings are:
- Any of the topics mentioned above including;
- When recounting a challenging time you may have experienced e.g., domestic violence or suicidal thoughts
- When sharing about a recent death of a loved one
- When discussing traumatic experiences such as abuse or neglect
If possible, let others know that you are safe or that you have a safety plan
It’s ok not to be ok, but it can be helpful for other members to know that you have steps in place to keep yourself safe if you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts or feelings. This might include letting members know that you have crisis support numbers handy and plan to contact them if things get worse for you, or that you have a close friend or family member who can help you.
Keep your comments turned on
It can be distressing when a member shares suicidal thoughts or feelings but then turns their comments off so that other members cannot provide support to them. Posts of this nature may be removed by our community moderators.
Avoid posting specific details
Shares that provide details about a suicide or suicide attempt, including information about methods, the location of a suicide, or locations where suicide attempts may have happened will be removed by our community moderators. In order to ensure Daybreak is safe for both you and other members, please:
- Avoid posting any plan of suicide or harm in the online community. Daybreak is not a crisis service – instead we encourage you to reach out to the services linked above.
- Avoid remarks that could be considered defamatory or that might break the law.
- Avoid posting ongoing/ repetitive criticism of a service offering.
Make sure your username protects your anonymity
Do not include any identifying information in your username or email address. This includes:
- Any part of your or someone else’s actual name;
- A nickname for which you are well known; or
- Anything that may identify your location.
Examples of safe and unsafe posts in the community
Discussing medications, vitamins and supplements
When discussing medications, supplements or vitamins it is important to keep in mind that we do not know other members’ medical history. What is okay for you may not be okay for others. We encourage safe discussions around these topics, but please avoid mentioning medications by name, e.g. Valium, Antabuse, Naltrexone, detailing dosage, and avoid recommending any of the above. Please advise others to see their medical practitioners where able.
Safe posts:
‘I recently saw my GP for antidepressants. They have been working really well for me!’
‘I got a script from my doctor for some sedatives to help me sleep, hope it improves soon.’
‘Maybe you should see your GP for your sleep.’
Unsafe posts:
‘You should take Melatonin for sleep.’
‘I take 20mg of Prozac every morning.’
‘You should ask your doctor for a script for Valium.’
‘Naltrexone works for me.’
What if I breach the Community Guidelines?
We understand that occasionally the guidelines may be breached unintentionally. If this occurs, one of our moderators will contact you through the app via an icon in the top right-hand corner.
Your post will be removed from the Daybreak app and you will be notified of this action. We understand that often members might breach our community guidelines unknowingly. We are all human and make mistakes. In these instances members are free to continue participating in the online community. However, if it becomes clear that members are knowingly breaching the community guidelines, our staff will take the following actions.
Suspension process
For members who repeatedly and intentionally breach these Community Guidelines, access to Daybreak may be removed for a period of time. Moderators understand that these repeated breaches are a consequence of other difficulties a member may be experiencing at the time. However, they also have a duty of care to the Daybreak community. In these circumstances, the process is as follows:
1. The member is contacted regarding their behaviour and provided with a warning. The member is invited to address their posting behaviour and provided with support to do so.
2. If the member intentionally breaches the Community Guidelines again, the member is contacted and made aware that there will be a periodic suspension. Member access is removed for a designated period.
3. The member will be invited to renew their access at the end of that time.
Note: When a member’s access has been removed, they will not be able to log into their account. If they wish to provide feedback or make a complaint, they can email support@daybreakprogram.org
Note: Hello Sunday Morning takes a zero tolerance approach to bullying. As per our Bullying policy below , Hello Sunday Morning reserves the right to remove a member’s access to Daybreak immediately to protect the community and individuals members from further impact.
Zero tolerance for bullying and aggression policy
Every person involved in the Daybreak App has a right to Psychological Safety. Daybreak members and staff all have this right.
Threats, intimidation, manipulation or derogatory behaviour will not be accepted from anyone under any circumstances. This includes:
- Accusations
- Insults and criticism
- Humiliation and ridicule
- Attempts to scare
- Attempts to isolate, push out or control
Any such acts will result in Action being taken. Such action may include:
- A formal warning
- Membership suspended or terminated
- Being asked to leave the Daybreak App
It is never acceptable to abuse others.
What happens when I make a share report?
Members can create share reports by clicking on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of a members share and clicking ‘Report’.
Moderators investigate the post and comments for members who may need additional support or have not followed the Community Guidelines. You will receive a courtesy message from our moderators to let you know we have seen your report and will look into it further.
If the post doesn’t follow our guidelines, it may be removed from the active community feed and the member will be messaged to let them know why we have removed the post.
If the post follows our guidelines and they need some support from outside the Daybreak community, the reported member will be messaged with support services suited to their concerns.
Daybreak Moderators
Hello Sunday Morning hires a team of trained clinicians and health professionals as Moderators to monitor activity and posts on the Daybreak app. They work normal business hours therefore any posts that occur on the weekend, public holidays or after hours are moderated on the following business day.
The role of the moderator is to:
- Ensure that the Daybreak community is a safe, anonymous and non-judgemental forum for members to support and be supported by each other in line with these Community Guidelines;
- Identify and respond to risk and community guideline incidents in Daybreak;
- Respond to members’ share reports
The Moderators role is not that of therapist or counsellor and therefore, should not replace the role of your health care professional. Their role is not to contribute to conversations or provide counselling or crisis support. For urgent and confidential support, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14, Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 or 000 in an emergency. For members outside Australia, please contact your local emergency services.
Self-care for members
Communicating online with a diverse group of people can be challenging. Sometimes we struggle to convey what we mean through the written word, or others might misinterpret what was written. Many factors contribute to these communication breakdowns: how we are feeling on the day, our personal experiences and backgrounds, our culture—the list goes on. It’s inevitable that at some stage, we will unintentionally offend or trigger someone in the community with what we have written or feel that way ourselves.
The important thing is to be aware when this is happening so that you can take steps towards supporting yourself. This might include taking a short break from the Daybreak community, checking in with those people you know are most helpful for you at times when you are distressed, such as close friends, support workers, carers, your doctor, psychologist and/or family to talk about your experience.
Daybreak Member Terms and Conditions (Mobile app)
These Terms of Use govern your use of the Daybreak mobile app (‘the App’) which is owned and operated by Hello Sunday Morning (ABN 82 145 512 125) (‘HSM’). By clicking ‘I Accept’ when signing up for a user account on the App, you agree to be bound by, and responsible for complying with, these Terms of Use. We may change these Terms of Use from time to time. Your use of the App following any such change to the Terms of Use will confirm your acceptance of the changes.
User account
You must be eighteen (18) years of age or over to create a user account on the App. You cannot create a user account for anyone other than yourself. You cannot create more than one user account.
You must provide complete and accurate information when creating a user account. You cannot use another person’s account and must immediately notify us of unauthorised use of your account. We reserve the right to disclose your identity or other information you provide when establishing an account if required by law to do so. You remain responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and username.
Payments & refunds for International Membership
Paid subscriptions to the App can be purchased via an in-App purchase on either the App Store or Google Play store. A paid subscription will give you access to the App for the selected period (1 month or 12 months) following a two-week trial period. You will not be automatically subscribed to a paid subscription at the end of the free trial period. Subscriptions purchased through the App Store or Google Play Store will auto-renew at the end of the subscription period.
When you register for a paid subscription, trial, or code online, you consent to access the App immediately. If you register for a paid subscription or code online, you may change your mind for any or no reason and receive a full refund of all monies paid within fourteen (14) days (‘the Cooling-off Period’). Refunds will not be provided if you have accessed the App at any time during the Cooling-off Period. If you wish to receive a full refund of all monies paid before the Cooling-off Period elapses, you must notify us in writing at support@daybreakprogram.org.
If you purchase your App subscription through the iTunes store or the Google Play store, any request for a refund will be subject to the iTunes or Google Play Terms of Service and will therefore not be refundable by us.
HSM may change the price of the paid subscription from time to time and will communicate any price changes to you in advance and, if applicable, how to accept those changes. If you do not agree with the price change, you have the right to reject the change by unsubscribing from the App prior to the price change taking effect.
HSM owns all rights, title and interest (including present and future copyright) in the App. All material in the App such as articles, written materials, names, trademarks, images, photographs, designs, illustrations, and logos (‘Content’) are owned by, or licensed to, us (unless expressly indicated otherwise). You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the App and access the Content in the manner set out in these Terms of Use.
You may use the App and access the Content only for your personal and non-commercial use. Nothing in these Terms of Use or in the App will grant you ownership of the Content (or any intellectual property rights in it). You may not sell, modify, copy, distribute, display, communicate or otherwise use the Content unless we have expressly authorised you to do so in writing. You must not use any so-called ‘spider’ or similar automated software or device to use or access the App or the Content in any way.
All posts in the App will be monitored by Hello Sunday Morning.
Members are not permitted to post any material in the App which:
- is defamatory, libellous, abusive, or obscene, including, without limitation, material which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, federal, or international law;
- infringes on the copyright or any other proprietary right of a third party;
- is intended to advertise to or solicit others without our express permission;
- constitutes charity solicitations, chain letters or pyramid schemes;
- contains a virus, worm, Trojan horse, time bomb, or any other harmful program or component;
- interferes with or disrupts networks connected to the App, or used for purposes of delivering the content (or violate the regulations, policies or procedures of such networks); or
- attempts to gain unauthorized access to restricted areas to the App, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the App, through password mining or any other means.
We understand that problems with content are usually unintentional, however there may be occasion where a post is required to be removed due to its inappropriate or triggering nature. Please refer to the section above – What if I breach the Community Guidelines.
Your Responsibilities
You may only use the App for lawful purposes, in a responsible and cooperative manner, and in accordance with these Terms of Use. You may not use the App for:
- collecting users’ content or information, or otherwise accessing the App, using automated means (such as harvesting bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers) without our permission;
- soliciting information or accessing an account belonging to someone else;
- bullying, intimidating or harassing another App user;
- sending or otherwise posting unauthorised commercial communications (such as spam) on the thread;
- submitting material that is illegal, false, misleading or deceptive, abusive, sexually explicit, contains nudity or graphic / gratuitous violent, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable or invasive of another’s right of privacy or which belong to someone else or are copied from someone or somewhere else;
- submitting material that contains a virus or corrupted data;
- using any device, software or routine that interferes with or attempts to interfere with the proper functionality of the App;
- attempting to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software that makes up the App or the Content or for the purpose of creating derivative works from the App;
- providing false information on the App; or
- interfering with another user’s use and enjoyment of the App.
If HSM considers you in breach of any of these responsibilities or Terms of Use, your account will be closed and no refund will be issued.
The App may contain links or other connections to websites operated by parties other than us (‘Links’). These Links are provided for convenience only. If you use a Link to access a third-party website, you do so entirely at your own risk. Our inclusion of Links or other connections to third party websites does not imply any endorsement of the material on them or any association with their owners or operators. The views or recommendations provided in these Links do not necessarily reflect those of HSM.
Information we collect about you; your usage of DAYBREAK; Disclosure to third parties & rights to access are set out in the DAYBREAK Privacy Policy.
Modifications, Termination, Interruption and Disruptions to the App
You confirm and acknowledge that HSM may modify, suspend, disrupt or discontinue any part of the App, whether to all users or to you specifically, at any time with or without notice. You agree and acknowledge that HSM will not be liable for any of the actions set out above or for any loss or damage that is caused by any of the actions set out above.
The App technology is technically complicated and is dependent on third party engineering and hosting in part, and on a range of factors such as software, hardware and tools, either our own or those owned and / or operated by our contractors and suppliers. HSM does not guarantee that the App will be uninterrupted or that it will be secure, consistent, timely or error-free.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
To the fullest extent permitted by law, HSM excludes all conditions and warranties (express and implied) of any kind in relation to DAYBREAK (the App, the Services and the Content). Under no circumstances (including without limitation, any act or omission on our part) will we be liable for any indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential damages or loss whatsoever which results from any use of or access to, or any inability to use or access to DAYBREAK (the App or any Content). Certain laws may not allow the exclusion of some conditions and warranties, in which case some of the above exclusions may not apply to you.
DAYBREAK (the App) is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or drug prescription or advice concerning which drugs or treatment may be appropriate for you.
You should never rely on or make health or well-being decisions purely based on use of DAYBREAK (the App). Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or psychological advice from your registered health practitioner because of information or advice you receive through DAYBREAK (the App).
You agree that HSM and its affiliates shall not be liable to you or anyone else for any loss or injury caused in whole or in part by relying upon, using, or interpreting the content or any other information obtained through the use of DAYBREAK (the App). In no event will HSM or its affiliates be liable to you or anyone else for any incidental, consequential, indirect, special or exemplary damages or lost profits arising out of the use or inability to use the Content, the App or any other information obtained through the App, even if HSM, its affiliates, its licensors, agents or representatives know or have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
You agree to indemnify HSM and our officers, directors, employees, agents and affiliates from and against all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) resulting from your failure to comply with these Terms of Use.
HSM may (in our sole discretion and without prior notice to you) terminate your licence to access the App and the Content if:
(a) you breach or fail to comply with these Terms of Use
(b) we believe HSM’s Daybreak is not appropriate for you.
Applicable Law
The App is controlled from our offices in New South Wales. These Terms of Use will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales. You irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales. If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of law, such invalidity or unenforceability will not affect the remainder of these Terms of Use which will continue in full force and effect. HSM reserves the right to update these terms and conditions ( https://hellosundaymorning.org/daybreak-privacy-policy/)
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Use please contact us at support@daybreakprogram.org.
This policy applies from 10th Feb 2025.