Tag: stop drinking

The moment that made me decide to stop drinking: a mother’s story

I decided to stop drinking and have my last drink on 28th December 2018. Although I was not an everyday drinker, I was what some may call a ‘problem drinker’ – I would binge drink. I am a 55-year-old single mum of an 18 year-old. When I broke up with my partner in March 2003,

You’ve decided to quit drinking, now what?

Moderation may not be for you, so when you decide you want out, what next? The cons have started to outweigh the pros when it comes to your drinking habits or you may just be sick of being hungover and not doing the things you love. Maybe you’ve realised that the way you are drinking

I stopped drinking to love myself all over again

“I have been drinking since time immemorial; so much so, I can’t pinpoint an exacttime in life where I didn’t indulge in alcohol to get through the day. What I did not realise is that I relied on booze to escape my pain, the kind that has no cure. Although I must admit, it got

Mummy needs a break; supporting mums on Mothers Day

Looking at social media and the news in the past few months, you might have noticed more and more people talking about the challenges of motherhood; the physical, emotional and financial toll it can take on a person, and how the end result may be feelings of stress, anxiety and exhaustion. Many mums may end