I struggled with cravings for a very long time. The ‘Wine Witch’ loomed large in my life – that little voice in my ear every time life became too stressful, my plate overflowed, and family worries began to bubble over.  

She was hard to ignore – and harder to fight, because I had embraced her ‘solution’ for such a long time.  

Once my friend and ally, the ‘Wine Witch’ eventually became my daily adversary. That poor old witch (like so many of her species before) was held responsible for the things about myself I didn’t understand and didn’t much like.  

But now I realise, she’s not my enemy. She was always just the messenger.  

That deeply misunderstood little lady was just the part of me that had been denied a voice. The insecurity and anxiety, the people-pleasing and the overwhelmed. All those uncomfortable bits I’d pushed down and tuned out, as I tried – so frantically to be a whole, rounded person kicking all the goals.  

My Wine Witch didn’t pop up just to tempt me with  a chilled Sauv in my direction – she was just a woman, like any other, tangled up in complex thoughts and feelings and desperate to be heard. ‘Help me’, ‘numb me’, ‘save me.’ But I drowned her out. Glass after glass, bottle after bottle.  

Emma's witchy Halloween costume

By labelling those parts of myself as a ‘Wine Witch’, I had conjured up a dark and malignant persona with very real thoughts and feelings. Shoved down, without a hearing, I denied them time and time again.  

But denying (or dunking!) the witch isn’t a solution – it’s a stop-gap. Because negative feelings don’t just go away when the booze wears off. 

Which means I actually had to stop, listen and learn. It was uncomfortable and it opened up a whole new can of worms – all the real sh*t I actually needed to deal with. But it was, oh so worth it. Take it from the woman who had to learn to sit with some really gnarly discomfort; the fizzing nervous system, rampant anxiety, petrified people pleasing, wobbly boundaries and exhaustion – all of it.  

But once I learnt to regulate myself, there was no need for the wine. 

Because negative feelings
don’t just go away
when the booze wears off

Being kind – to my ‘witch’ and myself 

The other issue I have with the Wine Witch concept, is the sense that she must be slayed. Since when did anyone’s challenges with alcohol stem from not having enough sh*t in their lives? I (and I believe I’m not the only one) didn’t lean on booze because life was too good, I leaned on it because life wasn’t good (on whatever scale), or because things didn’t feel good.  

Instead of leaning in with compassion, I could have brought in the torches and pitchforks. I could have beaten myself up for all the choices that brought me here and told myself that the witch – that bright red flag above my real feelings and worries – must be slayed. I could have set out to fight my pain; a lifelong battle between willpower and those inconvenient truths that demand to be heard.  

But I chose a more nurturing way forward. I tried my hardest to wrap my arms around those tricky, and maybe even scary, bits of myself, so I could create a new, full and honest way of being.  

If I approached this process as a battle, I would be telling my nervous system to get ready for a dirty great fight. There would be a winner, and there would be a loser – and the only way to be the first one was to keep fighting every single day. Exhausting! 

By viewing my personal process as an exploration and a journey of understanding and self-care, I took the emphasis off ‘white-knuckling’ and instead set my sights on all the good stuff that’s ahead. I had trained my mind and my body to rely on alcohol, so now it was time to un-train them. Those new habits took time, but because they were backed by a genuine belief that what was in front of me was better than what was behind, they began to stick. 

Alcohol-free living was no longer
a daily victory,
a punishment, or a loss.
It is freedom.

I stopped punishing myself (and my poor old ‘witch’) because, when I started seeing her as a red flag, rather than a ‘devil’ on my shoulder, I discovered real potential to heal.  

And when that happened, alcohol-free living was no longer a daily victory, a punishment, or a loss.  

It was, and is, freedom. 

As a mum of two, navigating the choppy waters of pre-teenagedom, Emma Gilmour ditched the booze in favour of a journey of discovery. That journey led her to retrain in counselling and psychotherapy – with a bit of recreational running, yoga and meditation thrown into the mix. Originally from the UK, and now living in Melbourne, Emma remains a proud ally of, and advocate for, women in mid-life. You can follow her journey on Instagram! 

Whether it is in July, January or February, a month off alcohol is a good way to reset your drinking. If you have been contemplating taking on an abstinence path, 4 weeks without alcohol might be a good place to dip your toes into sobriety. There are things to note and things to avoid, few suggestions to be offered and few tips to try. Treat this experience as a window to see what long term abstinence would look like for you.  

Before embarking your journey to the dry month, there are few things you need to know first. On this blog, we will explore preparing before the dry month, what to do during the month and what to do after that. And, we include some challenging thoughts for you to ponder upon completing your dry month. 

Here’s what you need to know to make your dry month worth the try. 

BEFORE – Preparing for the dry month

First and foremost: very, very important – everyone’s relationship with alcohol is different, a sudden withdrawal from alcohol can be dangerous if not careful monitored, particularly for those who consumer unhealthy amounts. Please make sure you speak to your GP and discuss this ahead of time.   

While you are at your GP, do a general health check-up. Our health is our treasure, and it can be easy to forget to do regular checking. Depending on your check-up result, you could also incorporate it into your dry month, e.g., setting a target of steps per day, drinking 2 litres of water daily or adding fibre to your diet. Be aware not to over-commit, it is better to establish small and manageable changes for a lasting one. 

What do you want to achieve by the end of the month? Understanding your  motivation behind this can help you shape what the next 30 days might look like to you. 

This will also help you make decisions and take action. For example, you might plan your social events and set boundaries on the types of replacement drinks that suits your needs, or you might work on some strategies that you know can help you get through the month.  

On a side note, if you are considering zero proof beer or gin, it might be helpful when making decision that you understand what low to no ABV means (Alcohol by Volume) – see our past FAQs blog about What is de-alcoholisation? Is it really safe to drink zero alcohol beer? 

It could look like checking your bank balance and see how much you would typically spend on alcohol per week. Round it up and keep that fund aside to reward yourself for the effort you’ve put in. Get the watch you have been saving up for or the latest gadget you’ve been reading the reviews online. Be mindful not to spend it back on alcohol. 

Let your friends and/or family know, ask them to keep you accountable. 

It is a good opportunity to do something that gives back to the community, not that removing alcohol in life does not come with rewards but being able to do it for a cause can give you the extra boost or motivation. You’ll be able to look back at the end of the month feeling proud that your decision is not only good for your health, but that you also raised money to help others.  

If domestic violence is a cause close to your heart, charities such as Djirra, Bonnie Support Services, White Ribbon Australia or Breathing Space by Communicare are all great places to start. 

If it is to help heal and reconcile Indigenous matters, check out charities such as Bridging the Gap, Healing Foundation, or Indigenous Crisis Response & Recovery 

 You can also donate to HSM (Hello Sunday Morning) reaching out to help more people struggling with their relationship with alcohol. There is a long waiting list for people to get support. It is our aim at Hello Sunday Morning to provide immediate support whenever and wherever it is needed through our app, Daybreak. 

DURING – What to expect in the dry month

For some, removing alcohol can bring on other types of cravings. Here is where the initial conversation with your GP could be helpful. If you find your craving for sweet treats has gone through the roof, try to focus on treats that are low in sugar content and less in calorie counts. Every person has a different dietary and health needs  so be sure to consult with a health care professional.

There will possibly be hard days to come, even during dry July month. Knowing how you would cope will prepare you to better handle those situations.  

When we are at our lowest point, abstaining can feel pointless. Alcohol is often used as a coping mechanism, but the ‘good feel’ won’t last long. Alcohol is known as a depressant which makes hard days even worst.  

It is important to look after yourself first, so do something you that you enjoy, that’s good for your wellbeing and does not involve alcohol or other harmful substances. Simple things such as joining online game with friends, preparing or ordering your favourite meals, getting a massage or binge watch TV shows to help you get through the night. A good cry is not a sign of weakness, so don’t hold back! Tears can be quite healing. 

Remember: it’s ok not to be ok, and tomorrow is another day. There are some supports available if you experience difficult time, such as Beyond Blue, Relationship Australia or Lifeline. Please know that you don’t have to do it alone. 

If you have an exciting celebration coming up that month, be brave and embrace the challenges of staying sober. Stay strong and say ‘no’ to alcohol. We’ve covered many resources about this on our past blogs, you can read them here or learn some tips to take the pressure off telling others and dealing with their responses here. 

And remember, the only thing you’ll be missing out on is hangover, which is safe to say that it is a good thing to be missing out on! 

Whether you are a sober curious or this is an attempt to seek a better relationship with alcohol, writing down your own experience can give you insights. Take notes on your overall health such as sleep, weights, sugar craving as well as energy and anxiety levels. 

How did you relate to others? Did you find social situations to be more difficult, could you engage in a conversation better? Did it add more meaning, or did it feel the same? Did your family and friends notice any difference? Were the comments helpful and encouraging or disheartening? 

How about the use of your time, your weekend or your social calendar? 

Use these insights to help you understand your own drinking behaviour better and think of how you’d like your relationship with alcohol to look like from now on. 

So, you have one or two nights where you drink alcohol again. Don’t let that make you feel like you have failed. After all, a day without alcohol is still a good attempt and worth applauding and slip ups are part of the journey to a better relationship with alcohol. Get back on track and keep going! 

AFTER – What’s next?

A trap people often fall into is to compensate for the alcohol they didn’t  consume during  the dry month by drinking more than ever. Before you know it, a dry month can quickly be followed by a soaking wet month.  

Your dry month will give you some insights into the difference between living with and without alcohol, better to stick with the recommended guidelines for standard drinks from then on. 

View this guidelines to see what standard drinks are: 

What did you learn, what works and what doesn’t? For every experience, there is always a positive take out that you can learn from. Pull out the reflections you did during the time you spent away from alcohol.  

Do another health check up and see the difference you have from a month ago. Decide on what healthy habits you’d like to keep. 

Now that we looked into what to expect during your dry month, you might want to find out more about taking it further. Why not see if you can stretch it to 3 months? You might surprise yourself along the way. We wrote an article about what happens to our body when we stop drinking for a certain period, keep that in mind as inspiration when considering longer-term sobriety.  

In short, giving up alcohol is not easy and there will be things you have to say goodbye to, but the many benefits that comes with sobriety do not disappoint. 

All the best with your dry month and we would love to hear how you are going! 

Many people talk about not having an off button for drinking, but what does this actually mean? 

Why is it that some people are able to stop at one drink, but others stay for five or six more? And why does our off button sometimes work well, for example, when we are at work-related drinking gatherings, but not so well when we’re at home in front of the TV? 

The answer is a fascinating combination of individual genetics, life experience and environmental factors. These three factors intersect to determine our ability to moderate our drinking. And there is a fourth factor, which we will leave to the end: the icing on the cake of moderate drinking.

1. Individual genetics

Our genetic make-up plays a role in our relationship with alcohol and are responsible for approximately fifty percent of the risk for developing alcohol use disorder. Although genes alone are not responsible. Environmental factors and interactions play a role too. Of course, what we learn from our family whilst we are growing up is important, too. If we have been raised in an environment where drinking to excess is the norm, that may influence our relationship with alcohol. Those who have a family history of substance dependency are more vulnerable of developing a drinking problem.

2. Life experiences

Our life experiences will influence how our brains work. Essentially, people who have been exposed to a lot of stress in their lives will generally be more reactive to things around them. Their fight-or-flight system has been activated so many times, and in so many situations, that it is primed to go off at any moment. 

This just means that a person who has had a lot of SLEs (stressful life events), either recently or when growing up, carries this with them in the form of an altered cortisol, serotonin and dopamine reward system. This means that they might feel scattered or exhausted from being on high alert a lot of the time, and will be in much more need of ways to relax, which is where alcohol comes in. 

The relaxing and disinhibiting effects of alcohol are much more profound for someone who is already feeling on edge, and so drinking is positively reinforced. 

The neuroscience is too dense to go into here, but the relationship between the two is really strong. Have a look at our previous post, where we discuss the link between SLEs, anxiety and drinking. 

3. Environmental factor

Our environment plays a huge role in our drinking. Consider the process of having a glass of wine when you are out at dinner, knowing you need to drive home. The part of your brain that controls decision making and safety, your prefrontal cortex, is switched on and reminding you of the possible consequences of having more than one drink, including an accident, getting picked up by the police, and paying for a taxi home. That inner voice is strong against the temptation to have another, and unless there is a really good reason, will usually win out. 

Our prefrontal cortex is the part of us that gets us out of bed in the morning, tells us to buy vegetables instead of chocolate for dinner, and does our tax return. Sometimes, when we are out with friends, or at a birthday or special occasion, we feel comfortable putting the prefrontal cortex away for a bit. We consciously decide to ‘let our hair down’, and stop being adults for a while. This is great and necessary, but it means that there is no inner voice to gently remind us that we may have had enough. 

The less we think about
what we need to do the next day,
the more we think about
what our next drink would be

4. Alcohol

The fourth factor, the icing on the cake, is alcohol itself. With each drink we have, our cerebral cortex is affected. Our brain is pumping out dopamine, as well as a combination of neurotransmitters that relax and slow us down. Our decision-making abilities become less and less, and we are thinking less about what we need to do the next day and more about what our next drink will be. 

So, think about a situation where the prefrontal cortex has been put to the side for the moment and our adult selves are not needed to pay bills, feed children or make a dentist appointment. It might be a special occasion, like a birthday or a holiday. We are in a great mood, and even if we were feeling a bit anxious to begin with, with each drink, the evening gets better and better. With each drink, we are thinking less and talking, dancing, taking photos, etc. The adult part of our brains is well and truly unplugged now and we are in the moment, having a great time … for now. 

Or, perhaps you are at home, on a Saturday night. It is a night off and you’ve had a big week. So, you open a bottle of wine and start watching a movie or TV show. Perhaps you are listening to music and the time gets away from you. Before you realise it, you’ve almost finished two bottles of wine without even noticing. Your relaxing night in has somehow ended up as a big night, which you’ll feel the next day for sure. 

A situation like either of these is a good example of when the off button might not work due to a combination of no boundaries, or an environment where others are drinking and there is a lot of available alcohol. Our environment is supporting us to drink more and more, and everywhere we look, others are doing the same. 

Our initial experience is positive, and even if we have less positive experiences as the evening goes on, what we remember is the good stuff, the things that happen before the alcohol starts to affect our hippocampus, which is the part of our brain responsible for making memories. 

One thing that is good to remember
is that in some situations,
we are really no match for alcohol,
even if we expect ourselves
to be able to stay in control

These three factors–individual characteristics, life experiences and environment–all combine to determine your individual off button capacity. If you are having some issues with alcohol and being able to stop at one or two drinks, it will be really helpful to consider situations where this is happening and whether there are any situations where drinking in moderation is possible. 

The good news is that it could be as simple as looking at your relationship with alcohol and understanding what role it plays for you. Am I drinking to stop feeling anxious at parties, but then forget to stop once I’m relaxed? Is my drinking more about switching off that critical voice that is telling me I’m not good enough? Am I using alcohol to help me get in the mood to party? 

One thing that is good to remember is that in some situations, we are really no match for alcohol, even if we expect ourselves to be able to stay in control. It is like taking a sleeping tablet and asking you to stay awake or eating a whole pizza and expecting to still be hungry afterwards. The reality is that alcohol is a drug, and just like any other drug, it affects our brain, our mood and our health. This is good to remember when we are setting our expectations of ourselves and our relationship with alcohol. The more we drink, the more we will be affected, and we know that in certain situations the opportunity to drink more and more will present itself. 

If you are finding that your off button is jammed, not working, or perhaps non-existent, here are a few tips that might help improve your relationship with alcohol: 

Take a break – even if it is just for a week, it might be helpful to see what comes up during that time. Attending events sober and sticking to your plans can be a good way of understanding a bit more about the role that alcohol is playing for you, and how you might like to use it in the future. 

Set goals – remember the pre-frontal cortex? Sometimes it can be good to keep it somewhat engaged, reminding you of your goal to have only one or two drinks. If we set ourselves a goal, we might not always stick to it, but at least we have some idea of what to aim for. 

Know yourself – if, having reflected on your drinking, you realise that your off button goes missing when you are drinking at home by yourself, or when you are out on a Saturday night, take some measures to protect yourself. This could mean only having a small amount of alcohol at home or bringing just enough cash for one drink when you go out. The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour, and generally, there are situations that we can predict will result in excessive drinking. 

Maintenance – a great way of exploring this issue is through sharing with like-minded community. The Daybreak’s community support is a great place for it, where others will be having similar situation and share what has worked for them. Reading through what others have experienced, as well as sharing your own, can be a valuable way of understanding what is going to work for you. 

It may also help to talk to one of the Care Navigators at Daybreak about what is going to work for you. For some people, it may be a case of understanding that their off button is only broken in certain situations. For others, it may be a case of reflecting on when the button works perfectly. 


At the end of the day, our biological responses to alcohol are pre-determined by those three factors – individual genetics, life experiences and environment, but our relationship with alcohol is something that we have a lot of control over. Just like with any relationship, it sometimes needs a bit of work, but the benefits will be significant. 

How can I encourage someone I love to change their drinking?  

This is a challenging situation, and a common one.  

You might be impacted by the drinking of someone you love, and you want them to address their drinking.  

This takes courage and thoughtfulness.  

You can encourage them to change but only after you understand what this person is going through and the process of change. A lot of people drink because it serves a purpose. Maybe it serves to manage their stress or grief. Or perhaps they enjoy drinking and don’t necessarily see any reasons to change. 

Before you try to encourage a person to change, it’s a good idea to try and put yourself in their shoes and ask these two questions: 

  1. Readiness – Do you know if this person is ready to change? 
  2. Reasons to change – What are the reasons this person might have for changing their relationship with alcohol? 

The reality is that until a person is ready to change, they will probably not stop drinking. That said, there are some things that we can do to help get them on the path to change. One of the ways is to look at the ‘decisional balance,’ understanding their readiness to change through the ‘stages in changes’ and importantly, let them know that you are there and available to support them when they are ready. 

Let’s have a look at the decision balance first. 

Decision Balance

Decision Balance is a way to understand that there are more reasons to change than to stay the same. When you think about decisions you may have made in your own life, you might find that it is only when there are more reasons to change than to stay the same, that drives you to take action. 

For instance, a person might not be ready to change his or her relationship with alcohol because it gives them comfort during tough times. Or, alcohol is a means to stay connected with friends.  

More reason to change than to stay the same would look like: a person’s health is at stake, relationship with children and spouse might be in jeopardy, or determination to keep a job or marriage might be reasons to encourage someone’s action to change. 

Understanding this will help you to gauge where they are at with making a decision to change. But how do you know if a person is ready to change? 

Let them know you are there
and available to support
when they are ready

Stages in changes

Giving the right support will depend on the stage of change the person is at. A person whose drinking is becoming problematic will go through several stages: 

  • Pre-contemplation – a stage where a person does not recognise there is a problem 

Encourage them to talk about their behaviour, try to be non-judgemental and curious about it and choose a quiet and private moment to have this conversation. People tend to shut down when the conversation is around something like this, which may be the source of a lot of guilt and shame. If we can be curious and reflective, it is likely that the person will engage with us more and be more open to exploring the reasons for their behaviour 


  • Contemplation – a stage where a person is starting to think there may be a problem 

Reflect on how their behaviour is impacting you. If you can find a way to let them know how you are being impacted by their drinking, it may be an additional ‘reason to change’. Let them know that you are feeling worried about them. For example, ‘I wanted to say something because I have noticed you look absolutely exhausted at the moment and I am worried that the alcohol is affecting you more than you realise.’ 


  • Ambivalence – when a person seeing equal reasons to change and stay the same 

Ask them what the pros and cons of changing or staying the same are, and reflect these to them. Talk to them about possibilities of support like the Daybreak app. You can also point them to some of the blog posts and extensive resources on the Hello Sunday Morning website. 


  • Preparation – when a person has decided to change and are now getting ready to act 

You may prompt them with few questions that helps them to reflect, such as: 

  • Ask about times in the past when they have been able to accomplish good things and how they went about it. 
  • Ask about how change has happened for them in the past, what they have done to work towards goals, and what helped. 
  • Ask about any challenges that might come up in the next couple of months, like a busy time at work, a wedding, or a holiday. 


  • Action – this is the stage where a person is actively addressing the problem 

Offer support and reflection on the positive changes that you can see. For example, ‘You seem to be much more energetic.’ Or, ‘You seem much more focused at work.’ Let them know if you notice they are not travelling well and encourage them to seek support or use coping strategies. 


  • Maintenance – in this stage, a person has made the changes and working on maintaining them 

Continue to reflect positive changes you have noticed in order to keep motivation high. Encourage goal setting and reinforcement of positive gains and offer to monitor for signs of slipping or relapse in a supportive manner. 

To read more about these stages, we wrote an extensive exploration for each of this stages here. 

Being there when they are ready

Once you understand the decision balance of your loved ones and stages in changes, you can then let them know or show that you can be there for them when they are ready. This could look like: 

  • having the conversation when you think they are ready – we wrote tips on how to start a conversation about someone’s drinking here
  • offer a non-judgemental support – be attentive and listen without judgement
  • if applicable, being honest about your own struggle with alcohol
  • lastly, be firm about your own opinion around alcohol but at the same time be non-condemning towards their action.

A person’s relationship with alcohol
does not look like a straight line,
there may be times when they have slip ups

Of course, there is no one solutions that fits for all when it comes to helping someone to drink less. So, treat these as loose guidelines and adjust it according to your own unique relationship with your loved ones.  

It is important that the person wanting or needing to change receives continuous support. Our app, Daybreak, has a supportive community who can empathise with people wanting to change their drinking, as well as access to chat with one of the Care Navigators, who can give personalised suggestions if they needed extra support.  

Ultimately, a person’s relationship with alcohol does not look like a straight line, there may be times when they might have slip ups. Being aware of this may help you cultivate patience and compassion towards them. 

Do you have a supportive person who helps you change your drinking? Please give them a shout out on the comment box below and tell us how they help you! 

There’s a significant milestone ahead and you’re in charge of the party planning.  

You’ve organised the venue, sorted the guest list, booked the entertainment and now you are turning your attention to catering. 

The tricky topic of alcohol raises its head, perhaps complex now as you ‘ve embraced an alcohol-free lifestyle. 

Organising an event doesn’t mean you have to submit to social norms and serve drinks on tap. This is an opportunity for you to host others without the booze and show them they have nothing to lose either. 

Besides supporting your own sobriety journey, there are several benefits of running alcohol free events for other as well:

  • Alcohol free events are easier to manage and control – with less chance of things going wrong  
  • It reduces the risks that your guests may have with accidents on the way home or levels of aggression at the event  
  • You won’t feel conflicted by working out who is over 18 and ca be legally given alcohol  
  • You’ve created an event where the buzz is all natural 
  • Everyone can focus on the event, not dodging drunks or how much alcohol they can consume 
  • You remove or minimise the pressure for those who also don’t want to drink  

 The national event management and ticketing website Eventbrite recognises it is a conundrum for event hosts too. They shared some unique approaches to running events without alcohol, or how to best cater for non-drinkers 

Hello Sunday Morning sought advice from several event organisers for hosting events without a focus on alcohol. Here’s a quick summary or their creative ideas that are sure to inspires:


  • Make your message clear that it’s an alcohol-free event  

Most people are supportive about this decision and willing to give it a go. Clear communication is a good policy to keep, so make sure your guests are aware what to expect.


  • Dress your venue and create a striking sense of arrival 

You don’t need alcohol to impress guests, with a great vibe and décor you can create an event to remember. Create an ambience with thematic lightings (glow sticks, fairy lights, candles, LED or outdoor bonfire – see more ideas here), great tunes and sensational DIY party decorations.


  • Impressive Alcohol-free drinks and spectacular food 

Pile on great food and fun non-alcoholic mocktails or alcohol-free beverages. Fancy cups and fun mocktail garnishes can make a stark difference in presentations. Try some of our alcohol-free drinks ideas:

AF (Alcohol Free) drink recipes from our followers,

Four AF drinks for you to try this Christmas 


  • Plan for an epic event with entertainment and activities 

It can be confronting for people to socialise without alcohol, especially if they are not used to a dry event. When you remove alcohol from what was known as the ‘norm’ for parties, you may need to think of a way to replace this. People often find having a wine glass in hand will help them to feel less awkward while mingling. So, getting their hands busy and less fidgety will help them distract from the anxiety on social situations. Try setting up a DIY section such as making your own party hat or wreath, Lei (Hawaiian flower garland), something to can be worn straight away and used as an icebreaker. Or create a pampering corner – hire a manicure/pedicure, massage therapist or air-brush tattoo artist.


  • Strategically create a great dynamic from your guest list 

It can be stressful to host a party and worrying about your party dynamics. View your guest-list and strategically create a way for like-minded people to get to know each other.


  • Have your reality radar on 

Some people may ask where the alcohol is – be prepared to explain your rationale to reaffirm your expectations. 


  • Laughter is a good medicine 

Keep it light-hearted and cheerful. You don’t need alcohol to have a good laugh. Have fun games ready to break the ice and to create bonding.  


  • Finally, have fun!  

Your event does not have to be big. Keep it low key and intimate. It’s easy to get caught up with preparation – so, be sure you are having a great time too! 

It doesn’t matter where you live – in the city, suburbs or the bush – there’s always great ideas to adapt and host alcohol free events.   

Sober socialising in the country

We checked in with the National Centre for Farmer Health, who focus on making a difference to farmer’s lives. 

 They take key observation and learnings from rural communities and share them with others for community engagement in areas where farming population are high.  

Their recent alcohol-free events blog features top ideas and insights for how to have fun without alcohol in rural areas  

Finding your people and places they hang

And, that’s not all that caught our eye. The SBS broadcast service shared terrific examples of social ideas for those in the Australian LGBTIQ+ community. 

Admittedly these aren’t all hosted events and parties, but they are terrific summaries of how to socialise without alcohol, bringing other’s along with you too. 

When alcohol is removed from our life, suddenly there are new venues to discover where we can easily suggest meeting up or to visit together.  

Check out these alternatives venues and non-alcohol events serving super alternatives

Or how about this for an event with a twist? 

Mix things up and host your own event where you’re serving up memories, instead of the next round of drinks. 

Check this Eventbrite’s suggestions.  

If you are looking to complement your alcohol-free event with alternative beverages, read on.  

We’d love to hear from you if you’ve hosted a special event without alcohol. Your story to inspire others. Get in touch today!

Image © FiledIMAGE – stock.adobe.com


It’s complicated – that’s how many Australian’s describe their relationship between alcohol and sporting events. But others believe it’s time to call last drinks on the excessive supply and selling of alcohol to spectators and patrons, empowering them to say ‘no thanks’ with support.  

Increasing public interest has focused on problematic alcohol consumption, binge drinking and the link with aggression at large scale public social such as sporting events.  

VicHealth are amongst many organisations who have supported research to assess the concerns and impacts 

‘Consuming alcohol in Australia is enmeshed with celebration and cultural traditions. There are certain expectations on how people should behave in certain social settings (particularly for young people), and this can involve the expectation of consuming a certain amount of alcohol.’

And it’s not just the events serving alcohol that raise eyebrows. It’s also the heroes we come to see, and how they respond.  

Experts agree that the problems also arise when the spotlight shines on athletes involved in alcohol-related incidents. Our newspapers frequently report on police investigations and court proceedings for alcohol fuelled altercations amongst sport stars. 

Research indicates that drinking is unquestionably harmful to athletes themselves. 

Sports Dietitian at the Orthopedic Specialty Hospital (TOSH) in Murray, Utah, Claire Siekaniec collected research and studies on the effect of alcohol consumption, prior and after sports ‘Although alcohol may have been viewed as an ergogenic aid in the past (likely for psychological reasons), the scientific evidence shows that alcohol hinders athletic performance, and ingestion prior to training or competition should be avoided’ 

Siekaniec observed that the effects of alcohol on athletes varies on consumption level, physical nature of the athletes and other relevant demographic variables, but consumption of alcohol for athletes must be avoided. 

‘The cumulative effects of binge drinking episodes may leave an athlete unable to perform at the expected or desired level.’ 

However, it’s not always sporting alcohol altercations that capture national interest.  

At the 2022 Australian Tennis Open, recently retired professional tennis player crowned Grand Slam Tennis champion, Ash Barty was handed a beer in a post match interview after being crowned Grand Slam Tennis Champion and public debate erupted.  

The tennis champion took one sip of beer during the celebratory interview before placing it down on a desk. The Alcohol and Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC) dismissed complaints, responding that Ash Barty ‘was clearly a moderate and responsible consumer of alcohol,’ 

However, Barty’s post-match sip of beer drew criticism from many on social media and broadcast talk-back who worried that the offering of alcohol perpetuates its necessity at major events.   

Channel 9 television host James Mathison was one of many to called out his very own Network for its ‘glamorisation’ of alcohol after the Australian Open televised incident.   

The former Australian Idol presenter James Mathison had a problem with the act and described Australia’s relationship with alcohol as ‘bizarre’. 

‘Our glorification and glamorisation of alcohol in this country is normalised to the point where we can’t even celebrate success without booze on live TV’, he shared in a tweet that gained much agreement 


Our embedded drinking culture

An international study found that Australian’s have been names some of the heaviest drinker’s in the world  

Joyful Sober Youtuber Allison Lassick  agrees, saying that ‘The Australian drinking culture is so embedded that people might not even realise the risks.’

She recently interviewed Hello Sunday Morning’s CEO Andy Moore who said that ‘the peer pressure of alcohol consumption combined with coming up against a billion dollar industry whose business model is based on customers means there’s a real conflict in how we manage alcohol as a community’

Does alcohol belong in our sporting events?

There’s no denying that alcohol has long been a form of coping, commiserating or celebrating in our culture. Especially at big gatherings and in sporting moments in history. 

One of the more famous scenes in our popular culture is of then Prime Minister Bob Hawke after Australia won the America’s Cup in 1982. His colourful quote ‘Any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum’ was delivered amid champagne-soaked celebrations in a cheering crowd. 

But, as we grow and mature as event managers and broadcasters of events, our management of alcohol and its presence is becoming increasingly reassessed and part of an emergent sober celebration culture. 

An uneasy conversation brings a shift

A quick Google will highlight the numerous articles on this conversation, and media opinions in the aftermath of the Ash Barty beer handover. 

But this is a good sign. Australian’s are paying attention and willing to enter into discussion. That’s much better than the issue not being challenged, or mentioned at all.  

Society feels more confident in adding an informed voice to questioning the status quo and transforming our drinking culture.  


Interested in reading more? You may find these articles of interest:  


Further reports to shed more light on youth drinking https://fare.org.au/driven-to-drink-australian-first-study-sheds-more-light-on-factors-influencing-youth-drinking/ 


We’d love to continue this conversation – share your thoughts in our blog comments below. 

In the first part of Alex’s interview, she shared her own personal journey with sobriety and how she eventually arrived at Hello Sunday Morning to help likeminded people. In this final part of her interview, Alex shares how her lived experience helps provide perspective to help others as a Care Navigator at Hello Sunday Morning. Alex also adds some useful tips to keep us going. 

Given your insight into alcohol dependency and making changes, what do you feel you offer the Daybreak community?

I bring my own lived experience as well as my professional insight which is practical and person-centred. 

 Offering empathy is huge with me. I remember the fear and shame, and what that feels like when you are really trying hard to explore how to change. I can support people to work out alcohol free days and step towards strategies that relate to the different parts of the journey they’re on.

I understand those voices that you carry inside you when you’re processing things.  

I like to bring a connection of kindness and a feeling that there is a form of hope for people to move through each stage of their sober curious or sobriety state. 

For a lot of people, the biggest thing is ‘Where do I start? How can you help me? How is this time going to be different?’ Those questions can be overwhelming so I’m here to support them and guide them in the right direction, but also reassure them that things are possible. Change involves baby steps and I help them break down those steps, with full insight into the push-pull you feel as someone who has been there themselves, trying to release the grip of alcohol. 

Relapses with alcohol can make people
feel like they’ve let themselves down.
I reassure them that they’re accepted here
and that they are fully supported.

Some people ask, ‘Why do I have issues with alcohol, and others don’t?’ we are all affected differently by alcohol, based on life events or even genetics. For some people it’s hard to stop drinking once they start – if you have a compulsion to drink and your blood alcohol reaches a certain amount, it’s like a runaway train.  

I bring empathy and knowledge about people’s journeys, and I love people knowing that they have the possibility for recovery. 

Do you ever feel triggered to drink after listening to people’s stories in Daybreak?

No. I’m very grateful for where I’m at and where I’ve come from. I’m all about bringing that change for other people, because I’ve been that change for myself.  

Relapses with alcohol can make people feel like they’ve let themselves down. I support them and reassure them that they’re accepted here, they’re welcome to talk through the triggers and lean into the different challenges that they experience knowing that they are fully supported – I’ve seen people who come back after years for a check-in saying, ‘I just need to remember what worked for me last time. 

For Alex, her sobriety journey isn't always sunny.
There are good-days and not-so-good days – just know there is always hope.

What is your favourite part of working with Hello Sunday Morning and interacting with the Daybreak community?

By the time people reach out for help, they’ve already endured so much and have been dealing with their alcohol dependency on their own. Care Navigation can support them to find the best support at the right time.  

They can choose to talk to me one-on-one anonymously or they can interact with a pseudonym to talk to others in the community as well. I love that we give them this choice. Supporting new people is always wonderful, as is being there for the regular Daybreak community as they maintain focus. 

I’m so energised by reassuring people that they are in the right place, even if they’re not quite sure what strategies, services, or resources they want. I’ll continue to chat with them about what works on a personal level and be a reminder for them to practise self-kindness as well. 

I bring empathy and knowledge
about people’s journeys,
and I love people knowing that
they have the possibility for recovery

I love helping people feel they can do this – that they can make the change they want to happen, and that they deserve to feel good and proud of every single step.  

Care Navigation is personal support that meets them where they are at. I’ll recommend resources – a book, a podcast or other services and tailor strategies like how to have the conversation with their GP or make sure they book a longer time so that their GP appointment isn’t rushed. There may be other issues that they need to consider and I’m always looking to offer them more holistic support.  

Essentially as a Care Navigator you are co-navigating their journey through change. You put yourself in the seat next to them, saying ‘I’ll show you the way, it’s OK – I’ll be that person to help you get towards strategies that work for you.’ 

What does it mean to you to be a Care Navigator for Hello Sunday Morning?

This role is everything to me because I’ve had a life that could have gone either way. It’s now an alcohol-free life, I’m present for my daughter, have a great job, home and partner. I remember people’s kindness to me in the early days when I was reaching out for support and how helpful and kind they were. 

I want to offer that same compassion because even your closest family and friends can’t always help you when you are rock-bottom. It means so much that Care Navigators can offer that in their place with strategies that can work.  

Care navigation is about a real human offering support, not a bot! 

We use chat messaging to discuss what strategies and steps might be better for the individual, and if that doesn’t work, then we can change it to make it more successful.  

Essentially as a Care Navigator, I am co-navigating
people's journey through change.
I put myself in the seat next to them,
saying ‘I'll show you the way,
it's OK – I'll be that person to get you
towards strategies that work for you.’

Do you have any sober mantra’s that you could share with us?

For myself in the beginning my personal mantra was always ‘Whatever happens – don’t pick up (a drink).’ For me one drink would always lead to a second or third, and I didn’t want to go back to where I started, or worse. 

For others it is less of a need for a mantra and more of a need for me to reassure them to stay connected, no matter how they feel. I encourage them to just keep monitoring themselves, stay in tune to what is happening and keep talking to others to lean on them for their support and encouragement too.  

What are your top tips for starting out when making changes to drinking habits?

It’s really all about a personal pathway to care … 

  1. Look after your emotional self   
  2. Stay connected with others – talk to people or professionals you trust  
  3. Make the change early before things become more tangled and damaging  

 Care Navigators like Alex are here for you to chat with online when you’re feeling stuck with your drinking goals. Their personalised support makes all the difference in helping you on your journey. 


Thanks Alex, for sharing your experiences and insights. We are grateful to Care Navigators like you who provide compassionate and practical support to our community in the Daybreak app.  

The Daybreak app is free for all Australian, thanks to the Australian Government support for Hello Sunday Morning. Download the Daybreak app today on Google Play or Apple Store! 

We’d like to share a story from one of our own.  

Many in our Hello Sunday Morning community have been drawn to the personalised and non-judgemental care of the Daybreak app. Within the Daybreak app, members can access a Care Navigation Service. Our Care Navigators chat with you about where you are getting stuck in changing your relationship with alcohol and can recommend information and services to help you get back on track. 

Some of our Care Navigator team also have their own stories with alcohol.    

We sat down with Alex recently to talk about her own personal journey with alcohol and sobriety.

Care Navigator Alex provides support to members in an online community, bringing her own lived experience with alcohol dependency. She understands the importance of offering practical and emotional support when you are making big changes in your life. 

Alex, can you share with us about your own experiences with alcohol and they have changed over time?

I was a regular drinker, going out and having a good time. For years I was proud of being that big drinker in social settings, and in hindsight I didn’t realise that I suffered from anxiety and drinking was actually helping me feel more outgoing.  

I didn’t think I had a problem with alcohol, but everything snuck up on me as my life unfolded.  

I became a mum and I immigrated from England across the world to Australia, leaving my family behind. I felt a great sense of isolation without a social group around me and I was experiencing marriage challenges as well. Alcohol became a form of self-medication for me, but I wasn’t aware of this at the time.  

So, drinking became my way of numbing emotional pain – it was just for me. A friend. But it turned out that alcohol was keeping me isolated. It wanted me to be on my own, so it was no friend to me.  

In the early days I really didn’t feel like my drinking was affecting anyone else, but I know that I wasn’t present for my relationships. 

I’d look forward to having a glass or two in the evening, but then that became a whole bottle. I would wake in the night with massive anxiety and the shakes. Then the day would start, and I told myself that having a drink would stop the shakes. It became a cycle that I was stuck in. 

'It turned out that
alcohol was keeping me isolated.
It wanted me to be on my own,
so it was no friend to me.

At what point did your feel the time felt right to make changes?

I gradually realised I had become a high functioning person with a dependence on alcohol, but I really wanted to control my drinking urges. I tried to tell friends ‘I think I have a problem,’ but they didn’t really know how low I was getting behind the scenes.  

I was also struggling with my marriage, but I didn’t know if that was because of the drinking, or if drinking was a consequence of our struggles. I needed to have a clear head to address my challenges and sort myself out.  

I desperately wanted to reign it all in, but I couldn’t. I felt so confused. I knew I was intelligent and that I was a good mum and cared about my daughter, that I was a professional and seemingly in control. I knew deep down that it was becoming a problem when I was hiding my drinking.  

I remember talking to myself in the mirror and saying, ‘Tomorrow will be different’ and waking up and tomorrow wasn’t different, I was stuck in a negative cycle of drinking to try to change the way I was feeling.  

Where did you reach out for support?

When I eventually decided it was time for a change, I didn’t know where to go or who could help me. I really did feel ashamed. It was like having this horrible secret. I was scared to tell my GP or formalise it because when I tell someone then I’ll have to do something about it. That was just as confronting.” 

I didn’t have as many options to do things anonymously, but the good part of what worked for me was my access to supportive people who had gone through the same thing. They felt relatable and I began to understand more about how drinking was a coping mechanism. I also was able to see that if they could do it, so could I. I could bring about change for myself. 

'I remember talking to myself
in the mirror and saying,

'Tomorrow will be different'

and waking up
and tomorrow wasn't different.'

I felt inhibited because I wanted to do this anonymously, and while I did try Alcoholics Anonymous and eventually found programs that worked for me, I really wish Daybreak had have been around for me at the time. I would have adored the ability to text to someone on a phone, anonymously, when the time was right for me. 

What did work was I got support from people who were happy without alcohol and had created a beautiful life. They were so motivating.  

How long have you been alcohol free?

I’ve worked so hard and am proud of myself for staying sober for 20 years now. For me the answer isn’t moderation, the best pathway for me is to abstain from any drinking.  

Can you tell us about the Alex then, and the Alex now?

I am so much happier and at peace. 

When I went back to the UK for a visit, I made the conscious decision to go out and have fun, dance and enjoy myself with old mates while treating myself to nice alcohol-free drinks. 

The great thing was that I could remember it the next day – all the conversations and the fun on the dance floor. It wasn’t a ‘fake feeling great’, it was a ‘genuine feeling great’ – it was a testament to my new way of life.  

I still have strategies for myself like how to deal with the expectations of drinking on special occasions and now I use that to help other’s work through their own anxiety leading up to events where there might be peer pressure. 

How have you managed to maintain your healthier habits without alcohol?

I love to read. It’s not something you can really do when you’re drunk! I love quiet times reading but I also love bike riding and yoga too. I’m reliable for other people and to myself with other people and I have so much peace. Drinking alcohol never gave me that, it took much of it all away.

Alex, proudly 20 years sober today

How did you first encounter Hello Sunday Morning? And what was your reaction?

I was an AOD (alcohol and other drugs) mental health support worker and counsellor, and I was working in a private addiction hospital. I came across Hello Sunday Morning by accident and was just blown away by the focussed and anonymous support it offered through the Daybreak app. That people like me could have a pseudo-name and access to professional or peer support anonymously was incredible. 

It’s like having the most personal form of support in your pocket, at the times when you need it most. 

A lot of people struggle to afford the time and the money to go to a clinic, or detox facility. Most people can’t take that time out, are overwhelmed by the logistics, or worry it might expose them which can create other anxieties and impacts. Being able to ‘go under the radar’ in addressing their alcohol dependency issues with the Daybreak app makes it such an ideal resource.  

I was so impressed by this personal and accessible support offering.  

I wrote to Hello Sunday Morning and told them I wanted to work with them. I was very fortunate that I was able to come through the recruitment system with my experience and am proud to work with Hello Sunday Morning. 

This is the end of the first part of Alex’s interview. In the second part, Alex will be sharing her insights as a care navigator for Hello Sunday Morning’s Daybreak community, as well as some tips on an alcohol-free lifestyle.

Stay tuned!

Your car wouldn’t start. 

You missed a work deadline.  

You had an argument with a teenager. 

You’ve been on the road all day. 

You lost a client. 

Your presentation was a fizzer. 

Your washing machine broke down. 

You missed the train.  

Your girlfriend dumped you.  

Your lecturer is droning on and on.  

You forgot to pay an important bill on time. 

You left the oven on, and now dinner is overcooked. 


Sound familiar?  We’ve all had those days. 

What’s alarming is that this can lead to an increased urge to pour yourself a drink to process the news, self-soothe after the drama and regroup.  

In 2020, 46% of women who participated in a Hello Sunday Morning study into topline behaviours and harmful affects of alcohol said they ‘drink to relieve the stress of the day.’

Additionally, 21% of male drinkers aged 65-74 years fall into the ‘very high risk’ drinking category, consuming on average more than 31 standard drinks in a 7-day period. This is almost double the rate of the average drinker aged 18+.

The study also reported that with alcohol easily accessible we’re more inclined to drink when we are set off by something that goes wrong, and tempted to reach for a wine, beer or mixed drink to carry us through from crisis to crisis.  

But it doesn’t have to be that way. How about we try to get you from here, to here. 

Old me – open a bottle of wine 

New me – takes a walk with a mate  

Our Daybreak app  suggest that being able to recognise what sets you off and triggers you to reach for a drink is a critical step in limiting your alcohol intake.  

There are two types of triggers: 

  • External triggers – people, places, things, or times of day that offer drinking opportunities or remind you of drinking.  
  • Internal triggers  you may have been set off by a sudden thought, a positive or negative emotion such as frustration, or a physical sensation such as anger, anxiety, tension, or nervousness. 

When triggers set you off, using alcohol as a coping mechanism can be a way of dealing with your thoughts and feelings. Some people may drink when they feel stressed or anxious, when they feel bad about themselves, or to block out certain memories.  

But using alcohol in this way doesn’t help to solve the issue and will only ever numb or mask it for a while. It can also result in people dealing with alcohol dependency issues later on down the line.  

Being able to recognise what sets you off
and triggers you to reach for drink
is a critical step in limiting your alcohol intake

Lucy’s story – how knowing her triggers helped her change her drinking habits  


Read award winning speaker and author Lucy Bloom’s reflection about how she modified her drinking, and how identifying and planning around her triggers helped her maintain her commitment.  

Regrouping without alcohol takes determination and focus, but you stand to gain so much physically and emotionally if you stick with it. The secret is to plan for better coping strategies to deflect how you handle tough times. 

Try these alternatives: 

Trigger: My team lost a game, and I drink to soften the blow  

Alternative: Take up a high adrenalin, easy to access activity like bike riding, swimming or running to sweat it out 


Trigger: The kids took forever to get to sleep, I just need to relax with a drink  

Alternative: Swap the wine glass for herbal tea and Netflix, or a lavender bath to promote better sleep.  


Trigger: After work drinks have become my weekly social life where one drink becomes 5  

Alternative: Decline the drinks, and tell colleagues you’ve made plans with family instead  


Trigger: Saturday night BBQ’s mean several drinks with friends  

Alternative: Create a Sunday morning plan of kayaking, walking, house projects or road trip so you have an excuse to go home with a clear head  


Trigger: A bad day at work always drives me to have a glass or two 

Alternative: Don’t bottle it up – lace up the runners and get stuck into some high intensity exercise.  

Trigger: I can never say no to friends who insist I have a drink 

Alternative: Tell them ‘I’m sorry alcohol just isn’t good for me anymore’ 

Looking for more ideas? 

Try online community support 

Many in our Hello Sunday Morning community join our Daybreak app to counteract this. Read research summary from VicHealth about Benefits, barriers and strategies when giving up alcohol here.  

One of our biggest fears and doubts when we make a decision to quit drinking, is how others will perceive us. And, how we’ll fit in.  

 How can I relate to others?  

What will we have in common?  

Will I cope with being the odd one out at events?  

This decision feels like it goes against what everyone else is doing – will I ever be able to find like-minded people? 

We want you to know, you’re not alone. But don’t just take it from us – here’s some reassuring words from our Hello Sunday Morning community.  

Sarah's story

Sarah Greenwood told us one of her biggest challenges when making changes was answering the ‘why’ question.  

‘I thought that becoming a non-drinker would make me seem ‘boring’ and ‘uptight’ when meeting new people and I just didn’t want to have to explain my decision not to drink. 

When I did give up drinking, and people asked me why, I decided to give a simple and honest answer which is that ‘being alcohol free is much better for my mental health’. People have generally been very supportive of this and sometimes will make a comment on their own experience such as ‘I also find myself feeling anxious the morning after having a few drinks’ 

Sarah was in fine company. Sharing her story inspired others to add their thoughts, observations and experiences. And she’s not alone, her blog received ample comments from others.   

Vin shared

‘I used to make up excuses if someone asked me why I wasn’t drinking at social occasions e.g ‘I’m training for a half marathon’ or ‘I’ve got a hell of a lot of work to do tomorrow’. It’s been over five years since I quit now. I eventually got sick of lying and now I am confident enough to say ‘I drank like a fish for 30 years and I’d had enough’ or ‘I was sick of wasting half my life in agonising hangovers on the couch’. Both statements are true. I usually find they never ask me anymore questions. The direct method works, as long as you don’t make the other person feel bad by saying something like ‘I realised that heavy drinking is totally stupid’.’ 

And here's from Ian

‘With new people, I don’t feel the need any more to justify or explain. And most people, I find, are absolutely fine.’ 

Michael challenges us all to re-think why we need explain: 

‘Why do you have to explain your reasoning for not drinking to anyone? I think that insecure people are seeking approval. It’s too bad because all the benefits of not drinking are true and worth quitting alcohol. When someone asks why you quit drinking alcohol, ask them ‘why not?’ and then order your club soda and listen to their reasons.’ 

And this perfect reflection by Liz:

‘As long as you’re still good company and enjoying yourself why should others mind?’ 

It’s hard to ignore those niggling worries about being seen as different.  

Some of us though are inspired to create opportunities to meet other like-minded folks while making changes in their lives.  

Fay Lawrence founder of Untoxicated, feared her social life was over when she quit drinking, which led her to create her own non-drinking social group for those who want to have sober fun.

‘Booze was everywhere and that meant the prospect of socialising without it felt difficult for me,’ said Faye.

Faye and Sarah were driven to seek out people with similar mindsets and lifestyle choices, which counteracted any concerns they may have felt about being different.  

 They’ve all discovered the secret to not feeling like you are different is to seek out company and activities that reinforce your change and doesn’t focus on alcohol.  

'When someone asks why you quit drinking alcohol,
ask them ‘why not?’
and then order your club soda and listen to their reasons.’

You’re not different if you don’t drink – in fact, you’re in good company 

Victoria Vanstone and Lucy Good agree that life without booze can at times feel awkward, but they do it anyway. Their podcast Sober Awkward shares some honest and helpful tips for what worked for them whilst working through sobriety.  

Their podcast titled Guide to Your First Sober Shindig is the perfect pep talk in your ear with warts and all reality .  

Journalist Jill Stark agrees it can be quite confronting to have a conversation about alcohol. Her book High Sobriety: My Year off the BoozeShe writes and talks about the conflict of our relationship with alcohol   

Jill talks about interviewing young people when researching her books and how many of them, ‘wished they didn’t have to get drunk on the weekends to have a good time. Which makes me feel sad. Many of them were drinking to feel confident, to belong and to deal with difficult emotions. The more I explored the issue the more I realise they’ve inherited a culture and it’s a problem we all own a part in.  The pressure to drink was coming from all around them. What’s heartening though is the number of young people who are choosing another way. Every year the number of young people who are either delaying their first drink or abstaining altogether is growing.


Jill and others agree there is immense power in finding your tribe, seeking out people like yourself, being vocal about your changes and listening to the experiences of others.  

Making changes takes patience and acceptance. Take a moment to celebrate the new normal you are creating. 


Let us keep you company  

Taking a break or thinking about changes to alcohol in your life? Say hello to our Daybreak app. It provides a safe space where you can feel connected to other people experiencing similar challenges in an online community.  

 You are not alone, Hello Sunday Morning is happy to keep you company if you decide to quit alcohol or make changes to your life.

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