Getting the word out about Daybreak

Over time, Hello Sunday Morning’s focus has evolved from simply challenging the culture that fosters unhealthy relationships with alcohol, to providing practical and effective support for individuals who want to reset that relationship.

Most of our blog readers will be familiar with the Daybreak app, an online program that helps people to connect with a supportive community, suggests habit-change experiments, and enables one-on-one chats with health coaches. It’s anonymous and allows a safe and private environment where people can find 24/7 support without delays or qualifying periods.

In Australia, the government has decided to pick up the tab for Australians who want to register for the Daybreak program, so we are looking at ways of making sure that the people who need Daybreak are hearing about it.

One challenge we have is resourcing. Hello Sunday Morning is a not-for-profit charity and we run on a shoestring budget.

Don’t panic! We’re not asking for money!

We don’t have the sort of advertising spends that commercial enterprises typically command, so we are making use of less predictable routes, such as social media and PR initiatives, to get our message out.

Fortunately, we have generous corporate and philanthropic partners, which you’ll see listed on our website and at the bottom of our newsletters. One of these, the nib foundation, has underwritten the production of two new info videos designed to introduce the Daybreak program to a wider audience, through social media.

Nice one, nib foundation!

The first video (shown below) is a general introduction to Daybreak – why it is needed, and how it can help – while the second video, due in December, will go into the detail of the app’s functionality and how it can be used.

We used the concept of a woman’s inner dialogue during her urge to drink at the end of a hectic day. This was then mirrored by the dialogue from the online support that she receives through the Daybreak community and coaches. A lot of the cues are in the production, rather than the script. So it’s simple, but packs enough information to invite further inquiry.

We are putting this out through a range of social media platforms, but we’d like to move it out beyond our own audience and we’d be glad to hear any suggestions from readers, on how to extend our reach and amplify the message.

If you’ve found the Hello Sunday Morning movement or the Daybreak app to be of use to you in the past, then maybe you can help?

Perhaps you run a site that would host a link, or perhaps you have a company and would like your employees to know about Daybreak? Maybe you can think of another opportunity?

Do let us know, and please provide some details for us to follow up!

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  • I am drinking water and getting healthy

    By Katherine Major
    November 1, 2018
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