Tag: purpose

How to surround yourself with positive people

The best advice I have heard about living the most fulfilling and optimistic life was given to me by a man I hold in the highest regard. A man who is a father to eight kids, plus half the neighbourhood. A man who makes the most of every situation and even if something really shitty

Alcohol and meeting the parents

Meeting the family of your significant other is an important part of being in a relationship. But what role does alcohol play?

Find your purpose

Many of us feel a reduced sense of purpose after cutting back on alcohol. Here are a few ways to discover (or rediscover) your purpose.

Going to a wedding sober

The prospect of going sober to a wedding is daunting. Weddings and booze go hand in hand so often that they should be the ones walking down the aisle.


I’m lying in my bed on a Wednesday morning, my body seems to be paralysed by the day’s work ahead. My eyes wander the ancient white plaster ceiling looking for detail in the marks and cracks it has accumulated over the years. This morning I am having a conversation between my mind and the conspicuous


You know how in movies they do that split screen thing where you see two characters playing out their individual lives, blissfully unaware of the other person in the screen next to them. Then as the music reaches a crescendo and the sequence ends, they meet and the two screens merge into one? I like