Tag: cutting back

What is Mindful Drinking?

Mindful drinking is just as it sounds: switching off the autopilot and bringing your awareness to drinking alcohol. It’s about being present in the moment and fully engaging with the act of drinking. It means slowing down, and paying attention to the sensations, thoughts, and emotions that arise before, during and after you have a

The Art of Mindful Drinking

We live in a fast paced world. We juggle jobs, families, friendships, study, and other responsibilities that leave us little time to slow down and take a breath. It’s no wonder we operate on autopilot much of the time. Like other activities, drinking alcohol can be automatic too. Do you reach for a drink when

Glass half full or no glass at all

If you find yourself having an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, should you just stop altogether? Or should you try to moderate your drinking? Our Daybreak health coach helps you discover the best option for you. Members on our supportive community app, Daybreak, often debate about whether it is possible for someone to be able to