Tag: behaviour change
Is moderation possible? Mick shares his journey back to social drinking
I grew up in a Sydney inner city pub culture where even now, in my late 50s, if I have a chat with a mate, it is generally over a beer or two. I am OK with this. However, while going through an unreasonably tough time at work during the COVID-influenced work from home era,
Four surprising ways quitting drinking can help you lose weight
This week we have a guest blog from a member of our social media community, Vickie King. She talks about the ‘quadruple strike’ of the four ways drinking alcohol leads to weight gain – and a surprising way she turned it all around to lose weight and quit drinking! I haven’t consumed a drop of alcohol
The long road worth travelling
It doesn’t feel like long ago that I struggled to go just one week without alcohol. So it’s hard to believe that it’s now been two years without a drink. My original goal was to stop drinking for a year. However, after seeing how much my life changed in that year, I decided to stick
Tips for moving to a new place as a non-drinker
Written by Zane Pocock If you’ve decided to forgo alcohol, maintaining a healthy social life is one of the most difficult aspects that many of us are familiar with. This is a complex enough challenge when we stay in the same place; maintaining friendships that have been partially built on drinking, getting through the Christmas
Learning how to savour
How often have you mindlessly scoffed down a tasty meal without savouring the experience itself? The art of savouring can enhance almost any experience! So this week on the blog we will be teaching you the art of savouring.
How to develop a fitness habit and actually stick to it
How do you start and maintain an exercise routine? Hello Sunday Morning’s guide to help you develop a fitness habit.