Tag: Australian culture

Reverse your thinking – focus on what you want​

  An excerpt from A Happier Hour, written by Sexy Sobriety’s Rebecca Weller. Sexy Sobriety is an online life-coaching program designed for women who are ready to take control of their lives and unleash their authentic selves onto the world. Back when I was in my corporate job, we were encouraged to take a ‘Defensive

How to survive a music festival

Music festivals are beginning to acquire a bad reputation. They’re sweaty, expensive and exhausting. We’ve got some tips for how to have the best music festival experience possible!

How to host a dinner party

Dinner is about far more than sustenance. It is a time to connect with our loved ones and enjoy the good things in life. But hosting a dinner for family and friends is easier said than done. So we have put together a step by step guide for how to host a dinner party.

Dating sober: how to do it

Dating without drinking is hard. Even so, we maintain that it is definitely something worth trying out. Here we’ve suggested a few tips on how to approach this challenge.

Alcohol and meeting the parents

Meeting the family of your significant other is an important part of being in a relationship. But what role does alcohol play?

How to conquer Dry July

This week, Australians from all walks of life will embark on a month without alcohol in support of Dry July. We’ll help you conquer it.