How quitting alcohol turned my life around

The following article contains a story about abuse that some may find distressing. If you believe reading this might be upsetting for you, we suggest that you forgo this article. 

We huddled together outside the store, it was cold and raining but we didn't care. Our hoods were pulled up tightly as the morning wind howled against us, we were on a mission to get our hands on booze and the weather wasn't going to get in our way, in fact, nothing was.

This huddle consisted of my friends and I – we were all aged 14 at the time. It was the school holidays and our routine was to send the oldest looking member of our gang into the store to get alcohol, then head to one of our empty houses to drink all day. We thought we were so grown up and clever, but for me, this was the start of a very slippery slope that would almost destroy my life.

We repeated this routine many times. I would often end up being sick, doing something I regretted and eventually stumbling back home before falling asleep in my bedroom. I drank from my mid-teenage years, yet my parents never noticed. In fact, there were occasions where they even encouraged me to drink. I recall getting drunk to the point that I couldn't walk, at a family wedding with my parents when I was 15. I had to be carried to the car so I could be taken home. I spent the rest of the night vomiting and endured the hangover from hell the next day. 

My parents were permissive – they let me do whatever I wanted and there were rarely consequences for my behaviour. At the time I believed that this freedom was wonderful. What I didn't realise was that I was also being deprived of important emotional support from my parents; there was no love, comfort or support available; they were emotionally unavailable. Later in life, this would shape me by impacting my ability to form true emotional bonds with people. It also impacted my self-esteem, anxiety, moods and relationships.

As the years went by, my drinking became a daily habit. My anxiety had become worse and alcohol seemed to provide me with a method of escaping the uncomfortable feelings. I had always felt that there was something different about me. It was as if I had an emptiness within my soul. I could never put my finger on what it was, but something was missing, I had an emotional void deep inside of me.

When I turned 25, I moved into my first home with my wife Michelle. It was at this point that my parents told me that their marriage had been a sham and they were getting divorced. My biological father had abandoned me when I was two years old and this resulted in my mother losing her home and ending up in an awful flat on a notoriously rough estate. She needed to find a way out and my soon-to-become step-dad was the answer. He had a stable job and could help her out of the mess she was in – he could afford a mortgage and could also provide her with an extra pair of hands so she would no longer be a single parent.

My parents slept in separate bedrooms for as long as I can remember and I now know that they never loved each other – it was a marriage of convenience. They were both seeing other people and living their own lives while staying under the same roof. No wonder we rarely had family days out. There was a complete lack of love and warmth within my home when I was growing up.

When I was 13, I became friends with an older boy. He was 19 and I looked up to him. In fact, I wanted to be just like him because he was so cool. I couldn't believe he wanted to be friends with me. Over time, he gained my trust and eventually he sexually abused me. This episode was traumatic and left me confused and hurt. I blamed myself for what happened. After all, I hadn't said ‘no’, so it must be my fault. I buried the abuse at the back of mind and didn't tell anyone about it for almost 30 years.

I firmly believe that the emotional neglect and trauma I suffered in childhood left me wounded. I struggled to form healthy relationships. I was diagnosed with ADHD and CPTSD as an adult and have had problems with anxiety, depression, addiction and an inability to feel my emotions and feelings, for decades. I don't believe that I was born this way – nobody is born an addict or wounded. I put it down to the neglectful and traumatic events in my life.

After I had moved into my own home with my partner, my drinking increased. I would buy wine boxes so she couldn't see how much I was having; the routine was daily. I would begin to panic if I didn't have a supply of wine for the evening ahead and so I would always ensure I was well stocked. I had begun to put alcohol ahead of all the important things in my life. In 2004 my son was born, and I was overjoyed. As he grew older I knew I was putting alcohol in front of being a proper dad. Often, I would be snappy, argumentative or aggressive, when what my son needed was for me to be fully present, engaged and interested.

Alcohol ruled my life for the next two decades. Everything I did revolved around booze. I truly believed that drinking daily was helping me. I thought it made me relax, de-stress and have fun. But I was wrong. So, so wrong. I was drinking between 2-3 bottles of wine every evening, often with beer or spirits on top, but I somehow still managed to function. I ran my own business and even took part in 15 marathon races. I would drink the night before a race to calm nerves and right after to celebrate completing the event.

After I turned 40, I began to pay more attention to how bad my anxiety had become; it was worse than ever before. I was also having regular mood swings and struggling with irrational worries about things that didn't ever happen. I was unable to calm my mind. I had always avoided paying attention to anything negative about alcohol in the media, until one day, when I was home alone, a news article on the television was talking about the impact of alcohol on people who drink at home. The expert talked about the damage that daily drinking causes and how much more likely these types of drinkers were to suffer health issues including cancer, liver disease and heart problems.

The article filled me with dread, I instantly began to have thoughts about stopping drinking, but I had no idea how to quit or where to start. From this moment onwards my mind was a painful place. My subconscious mind wanted me to carry on with my habit and tried to convince me that there was nothing wrong with my drinking behaviour, yet my conscious mind was trying to protect me and, because of the new information about the dangers of alcohol, it wanted me to stop drinking. My mind was now home to a huge internal conflict and the only way it would ever end would be by getting the two conflicting sides in harmony with each other.

I lived with this internal conflict for around five years. It was painful, and I would usually drink just to blot out the painful thoughts and feelings. Eventually I got to a point where I knew something had to change and I began to educate myself about becoming sober and living an alcohol-free life. The more I learned, the more excited and motivated I became. I started to feel like living sober would be a perfect fit for me and I wanted to begin moving towards that place. The more I worked on myself, the more the internal conflict seemed to weaken, so I immersed myself into becoming sober as if I was training for the most important event of my life.

I had many setbacks and felt as though I was stuck in an eternal loop of ‘Day Ones’, but I kept reminding myself that I needed to use setbacks as opportunities to learn what I needed to change, so I could grow stronger. Eventually, I managed to get through my first few days without alcohol – there were plenty of cravings and my emotions were up and down, but I dug deep because I knew that they would pass. Each time I stood in the emotional storm and let it pass without drinking, it felt like I claimed back a little bit more of the personal power that I had handed over to alcohol.

That was over two years ago. I have not had one alcoholic drink since then. 

After I quit, I started a blog, a Facebook group, and started sharing what I had learned, by making videos on YouTube. I was honoured when Annie Grace, author of the brilliant book This Naked Mind, joined me to talk about her journey to sobriety. After the interview, Annie invited me to America so I could train to become a sobriety coach. I have worked with This Naked Mind ever since and have become a senior coach and have helped thousands of people change the way that alcohol features in their lives.

In 2019 I released my first book The Sober Survival Guide; part memoir and part tactics and tools for quitting drinking. The book has been a huge success and I am excited to be releasing my new book How to Quit Alcohol in 50 Days in December 2020.

Quitting drinking has changed my life. My anxiety has gone, my relationships have transformed, I am motivated, fully present, happy and at peace in my life for the first time in a very long time. Sobriety has given me so many wonderful gifts and life has never been so good. I know how hard it can feel to stop drinking, but if you can understand what you will gain, instead of focusing on what you believe you are losing, it can reframe things in a far more positive light and allow you to change your mindset, rather than trying to stop drinking by relying on willpower alone.

Simon Chapple is the founder of The Quit Alcohol Coach.

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  1. Thank you for sharing your story. As I read this I am starting day 5, I’ve had many day ones too. I even had a day 9 once! I have a very similar story, in terms of starting early, a step father who was very cold and harsh, leaving home early, putting myself and my loved ones through years of my heavy drinking. I want to stop, the conflict is real. My anxiety and depression are so bad, debilitating at times. I can feel my relationships slipping g away and the scary thing is that I am actually considering choosing alcohol over friends. I could go on and on but we all have similar stories. Wish me luck and fortitude.

  2. Wonderful and inspiring. It’s hard when your social life revolves around alcohol too. You basically need to quit your friends and find new ones. But even without them it’s a thing to look forward to in the evening or as a treat after a project or long walk.

  3. Amazing article. Forgiving, insightful and totally resonated with me. Thanks Simon. I will definitely look into buying one or both of your books. And thank you Sunday Morning.

  4. Thanks for this just what I need on day 7 – the longest I have been AF is 16 months and I hope to surpass 2 years this time as I know I will be free by then. I have stood in a few emotional storms and survived without drinking so I believe my resilience is now enough to make it all the way this time – thanks again !

    1. I cannnot function without alcohol. I have had Psychosis in 2018 and resumed drinking after 2 months of being in the drug ward. I made a decision to stop last month and so far I feel wonderful. It’s a month today, I really hope I can go on For the rest of my life.

  5. I can relate to parts of your blog. Feelings of abandonment from my parents also posed problems with me forming meaningful relationships as an adult and turning to grog to block out the pain and tune out. I think your last sentence about changing your mindset makes perfect sense but also the hardest.

  6. I am a little over 2 years sober myself. In fact, I think I was one of the first few people to sing up for your be sober FB group. So happy to see how our community has grown together. Truly a blessing! Keep up your good works.

  7. How can I get a copy of the books? I have lost count of the number of times I have tried to give up alcohol and failed. I’m starting to think I’m living a death wish. Perhaps it’s time to re-visit Annie Grace and this Naked Mind.
    Huge congratulations on your success.

  8. Brilliant story of how change is possible however bad things have become and how freedom from an addiction is amazing ! Thank you for your courage !

  9. This is a lovely article and I wish quitting alcohol had been the answer for me. I am four years sober but the depression and anxiety in my life is a constant struggle – the alcohol used to help temporarily but also I know made things worse. Perhaps it is finding your tribe and purpose that was the true saviour.

  10. Thanks for sharing about the book This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. I have been sober 7 months and nearly every week I would want to have a drink most days. Especially when I was really stressed. Since reading the book the desire to drink when I’m having a hard time has gone. It’s so amazing. I was at the point where I thought that the desire would never leave. Your story changed my life for the better.

  11. Wow, great story, I think one that a lot of us can relate too and suddenly everything makes sense….. Thank you x

  12. Wow, it really inspires me how you were able to overcome your addiction and give your life a new direction. I can’t imagine the exhaustion coming to the surface after giving up on daily binge drinking for over two decades. That must have been tough.

    Although my situation was different, I can relate to the obsessing of having enough alcohol in the house. To me, alcohol became one of my best friends – or so I thought.

    Going cold turkey was very tough. I wasn’t in the best time of my life but I viewed myself as someone who would manage, as I always did. I decided to give drinking a break after an embarrassingly drunk night in which I got into a fight, stole a bottle of spirit from behind the bar, lost my friends and did some (illegal) stuff I’d rather not think about anymore. It’s a miracle I got home safely that night.

    The next morning, I craved for a beer but I found the willpower to break the cycle I was in.

    Two days later, my hangover started to subside and I started crying for no reason. The crying lasted for hours and I did not understand where it came from. Then I realized I had been feeling lonely for a long time, which had hurt me deeply. I started to feel all the emotions again that I had numbed for so long – most of them were not pleasant.

    I think there’s an inherent honesty in sobriety. Your see your feelings in a crystal clear way. That can be confronting. Yet, it is also the key to making a change to your life. Surprisingly, I also discovered positivity in the storm of emotions that came out.
    Happy memories, (re)discovering hobbies and interests, dreams that I had gradually let go off as I grew up.

    I started doing sports again. I started reading books again, cooking healthy meals, taking long walks through nature. This was all so much more enjoyable now that my mind and sensations were clear. I had sex less often, but when I did, I was completely present and passionate and actually made a deep connection with the other person. It was so much more fulfilling.

    I have to admit I am not where I want to be yet and I still have cravings sometimes. But I am on the right track and a genuinely happier person.

    Have faith, people! There is lots of dirt and setbacks to crawl through but there is light at the end. Be honest and gentle with yourself, adopt a constructive attitude and you will come out free and happy.

    Thanks again Simon