Written by Chris Raine, HSM Founder & CEO
It all began one average Sunday morning.
The date was the 11th of January, 11 days after my first HSM began in 2009. I posted a blog about what I was doing and why. The blog took me about 30 minutes to write, but the decision it represented and the impact it would have on my life and the lives of those around me has been incomparable.
Nearly five years later and that first blog, that one Sunday Morning has expanded to over 65,000 blogs, more than 280,000 Sundays with our website now read by over 8.5 million eyeballs over the past 4 years.
More important than that, that blog, this website, and this incredible community has become something so much greater than I could have ever expected – it has become a collective mission. A mission to change the world’s relationship with alcohol.
This movement is built on the premise that there is a significant population of people out there (like me) who want to change they way they drink, yet the existing services and support out there to achieve that – don’t really exist. Hello Sunday Morning’s mission is to fill that gap – for Australia and for the rest of the world.
With the incredible support of the Hello Sunday Morning team and board, I have been given an incredibly fortunate opportunity to step away from the day-to-day running of Hello Sunday Morning and invest the past 9 months into looking at how we might be able to achieve that mission. I have been undertaking an MBA in Oxford, I have researched into the issue globally to understand the fundamental challenges we face and learned how we can finance the change we want to see. We have built a program that works, a program that is scalable and a community of people who believe in what we are trying to do!
So where are we going? We now have over 27,000 HSMers who have done or are doing our program. We have managed to double the size of our community each year. Our goal is to do everything we can to continue that trend. If we can do achieve this, we will have around 1 million HSMers by 2020!
That is 2.6 million blogs and more than 11.2 million Sundays. To think it all started with just one blog, one average Sunday morning yet here we are with the potential to fundamentally shape the world around us into something better. There is a power in the collective action of a group of likeminded people, who share a certain vision for the world, that I will forever be awed by, forever grateful to.
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