T Totaler’s Pressed Cucumber + Watercress juice – a play on the cucumber sandwich

Cucumbers (1.5)
Green Apples (1.5)
Watercress (1/4 of a bunch)
Ginger (1 tsp)
Lime (1/4)
T Totalers’ Immune boost blend (2 tsp)

Cold press all fruit and vegetables together.
Infuse 2 teaspoons of our Immune Boost blend for two hours (or until cold) in hot filtered water.
Add a shot of the Immune Boost infusion to the cold pressed greens.
Garnish with watercress.

Our Cucumber + Watercress drink is high in antioxidants, vitamin C and is a great green drink to keep you healthy and hydrated.

T Totalers’ Immune boost blend include Echinacea Olive leaf, Rosehip, Calendula and Aniseed myrtle.

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Facebook: T Totaler

Written by Alex Bruce-Smith, Co-Founder & Editor of Social Sneaker

Show me a person who hasn’t proclaimed – usually in the throes of an awful hangover – that they’re turning over a new leaf and getting back into the fitness game, and I’ll show you a liar.

Let’s face it: we’ve all been there. If our health and fitness goals were reached purely by our Sunday-night proclamations and jotting things down on a to-do list, then Michelle Bridges and the rest of the industry could call it a day.

I’m currently at that tipping point between my second chocolate of the morning, and eating kale between yoga classes. It’s usually around here I reach a brick wall of new superfoods and in-the-bizz lingo, because there’s nothing people like more than a health fad.

Because I am a kind soul, but mostly because I’m constantly baffled by the next big trend in the health industry, I’ve decided to jot down some notes for you. Just in case.

Xtend Barre. A cross between ballet and Pilates, this is a fancy-pants workout. You’re in a well-lit studio wearing socks instead of trainers and doing pliés at a barre. You might feel silly because this isn’t Centre Stage, but it’s fantastic for your gluteus maximus.

Fermented foods. The latest trend in healthy eating, because foodstuffs like kimchi and kombucha are great for your gut bacteria. (How’s that for an appetising sentence?) Get some natural probiotics into you by looking out for the dishes with a little sauerkraut on the side, or head to your local Korean joint.

CrossFit. A workout invented by demons who want to see even those at their physical peak suffer like the scum they are. I’m kidding. Sort of. My trainer comes back completely knackered from CrossFit, so do not enter into it lightly. Imagine doing burpees for twenty solid minutes, and you’re somewhere close.

Coconut water cocktails. It’s true. Coconut water has entered the mainstream. What you might not know is that at this very minute a bartender is probably mixing a coconut water cocktail. As coconut water is a great source of potassium and will keep you hydrated, it helps combat the subsequent hangover. At least, that’s what I tell myself.

Oil pulling. Putting a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swishing it around for 20 minutes is supposed to do all sorts of amazing things, like improve your complexion, boost your immune system, reduce your risk of diabetes, and cure your hangover (because nothing helps my hangover like a spoonful of gloop first thing in the morning). Dentists say you can have the same effect from flossing for twenty minutes, so it’s up to you.

Workout gear as everyday wear. Have you noticed an increase of people sporting (‘scuse the pun) three-quarter leggings and sports bras to work, preferably with a high-intensity fabric singlet over the top? No, they haven’t just come back from a run. They’re exercising at some point in the day for a solid thirty minutes, but will wear their gear for up to eight hours beforehand. I’m a big fan of this, for three reasons: 1) I want the most use possible out of the fitness gear I spend money on, 2) it’s comfy as all hell and 3) even a trip to the office kitchen feels like a warm-up when you’re in a sports bra. What’s that about incidental exercise, hmmm?



Bondi Wholefood’s Piña Colada Smoothie Recipe

Frozen Pineapple (2 slices)
Pineapple Juice (approx. 250ml)
Fresh Mint (leaves off one stem of mint)
Coconut Milk (approx.75ml)
Lime (1/2 lime)
Chia Seeds (1-2 teaspoons)
Dr Mecola Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (one scoop, approx. 30 grams)

Put all ingredients into a blender and combine until smooth. Feel free to adjust quantities according to personal tastes. Adding more seeds will make the smoothie thicker.

Follow Bondi Wholefoods
Facebook: BondiWholefoods
Instagram: @BondiWholefoods
Twitter: @BondiWholeFoods

Written by Sami-Jo Adelman

“I’ve always had a belief that I am going to live to be 116, I’ve always felt that’s true in my bones”, exclaims Suzanne.

I stare at the green-eyed beauty sitting elegantly before me with a mix of disbelief and admiration. “116!” I bellow. That’s impressive. For the majority of us, living to 82 let alone 100 is ambitious, but for the founder of Bondi Wholefoods, longevity is easily achievable. So, what’s Suzanne’s secret? “Longevity through nutrition…I think that everything just stems from what you put into your body”.

This philosophy has seen Bondi Wholefoods evolve from its early days as a gourmet food and organic grocer into a swinging cafe destination for sun-kissed locals, who can’t get enough of the wholefood breakfasts (cacao berry spelt pancakes anyone?) and health smoothies.

Their smoothie bar, which started with Suzanne’s own green cleanser breakfast recipe, has become a large part of the business. All smoothies contain Australian chia seed, organic linseed, organic coconut oil, organic raw honey and vanilla protein powder. Suzanne swears by the Dr Mercola vanilla whey protein powder, which they add to each smoothie to create a balanced meal of proteins and carbohydrates.

Apart from the bustling smoothie bar, another store highlight is the large glass counter brimming with entirely raw sweet treats, many of them made fresh in-house, which also happen to be organic, gluten-free and dairy-free (roll eyes here). The products the store comes up with are often inspired by “something naughty” like the Raw Pecan, Organic Maca Powder and Maple Pie. “Everyone loves pecan pie, but it is just so wicked. So what we try to do is create something just as satisfying that is also relatively healthy.” That goes for the smoothies too, where Piña Colada and Berry Sherbet take prime place on the menu.

“So what about your personal nutrition secrets?” I ask Suzanne, thinking surely it can’t be pecan and maple pie with a piña colada. “Well my father always ate really well and believed in taking vitamins daily and ate eggs every day…he believed that was one of the secrets to longevity, and I don’t think he was wrong…. I eat 20 eggs a week!” Suzanne only eats Papanui Open Range Eggs from the Upper Hunter Valley, “I am absolutely devoted to them, the company and everything they stand for.” She also believes in the power of ancient grains and fresh vegetables, especially kale. In the shop they tend to “put kale in everything except for the coffee.”

As I am swept along Suzanne’s wave of enthusiasm for wholefoods, I realise that longevity through nutrition makes sense. Now if that means I get to eat more eggs and drink piña colada smoothies for breakfast, then I am definitely on board. However 116 does seem rather ambitious, so I’ll settle for mid 90’s instead.



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