Personal Stories

Chelle shares her path to enlightenment and healing
There’s got to be more to life than this. This thought has echoed through my mind countless times over the years, especially during the darkest moments of my battle with alcohol. Growing up amidst extreme levels of family domestic abuse, I began drinking at 13, using alcohol as a coping mechanism for the complex PTSD

Belinda’s transformational journey from grey area drinking to empowerment
People often talk about their lives in terms of BK and AK—before kids and after kids—or pre- and post-pandemic. For me, the defining line is pre-sobriety and post-sobriety. The early days I was never a big drinker. I would share some wine with my husband, but that was about it. My real drinking career began

How Sunshine chose between abstinence and moderation
Greetings, my fellow HSMers! This month marks a special milestone for me. It’s been ten years since I made the decision to change my relationship with alcohol. Back then, my drinking had reached a point that was hard to ignore. I was bloated, overweight, constantly battling acid reflux, and one day, I had an argument

Stuart’s story: how alcohol lied to me…and it’s lying to you
Stuart, a father of 3 and Daybreak member shares his story. I broke up with alcohol. Because it lied and cheated on me. After many decades together, I thought we had a mutually beneficial relationship. But I got to the point where I realised alcohol did not have my back, and there wasn’t one

“I wore my handbrake out” – Jamie’s story of perseverance and how he choose between abstinence and moderation
I always had an on-and-off relationship with alcohol. From a young age, my friends and I loved partying – we lived for the weekend. Friday and Saturday nights were spent at the pub or nightclubs often not getting home till sunrise. I was also very involved in sport and I would abstain from alcohol completely

“It changed me. It changed everything.” Fiona’s story of growth, understanding and empowerment.
Giving up drinking is hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Drinking had become highly problematic for me and it was impacting every single area and aspect of my life. I was so unhappy and I just couldn’t see a way out. In the end, it was an

“I wore my handbrake out” – Jamie’s story of perseverance and how he choose between abstinence and moderation
I always had an on-and-off relationship with alcohol. From a young age, my friends and I loved partying – we lived for the weekend. Friday and Saturday nights were spent at the pub or nightclubs often not getting home till sunrise. I was also very involved in sport and I would abstain from alcohol completely

Is moderation possible? Mick shares his journey back to social drinking
I grew up in a Sydney inner city pub culture where even now, in my late 50s, if I have a chat with a mate, it is generally over a beer or two. I am OK with this. However, while going through an unreasonably tough time at work during the COVID-influenced work from home era,

Why I don’t drink anymore
Alisha has had a tumultuous relationship with alcohol throughout her life. Read on to see why she doesn’t drink anymore, and the circumstances that have led her in this direction.

The hidden grief of losing a parent to alcohol and mental illness…
This week, Macushla shares a raw and poignant journey through intricate layers of grief after losing her father to alcoholism and mental health struggles.