Is non-drinking the new normal?

In a society where socialising and celebration usually means alcohol, the choice to take time away from drinking can be tough.

The good news is, if you’re looking at changing your relationship with alcohol, attitudes towards drinking are changing. You have options.

Our changing drinking culture

According to new data from the National Drug Strategy Household Survey, just released, there has been a continued decline in the proportion of Australians drinking at risky levels compared to previous years, especially among those in their 20s.

It’s becoming the new normal as more people become aware of the benefits of cutting back or quitting.

At the same time, there’s been a rise in ‘sober curious’ and ‘mindful drinking’ movements and increased availability of non-alcoholic drinks and retailers. And events like Dry July, Ocsober and the recent FebFast can be a circuit-breaker, helping you to take a break.

If you are ready to join the new normal, here’s a few tips to get you started.

Find your cheer squad

Finding like-minded people to support your journey is the first step.

Our Daybreak community provides a safe and anonymous space for like-minded people to ask questions about changing their relationship with alcohol. It’s one place where you will not be judged for drinking or not drinking. Daybreak is a place where non-drinking is normalised and you can make changes that are right for you.

If you are at the beginning of your journey, check out our Alcohol and Wellbeing Self-assessment to see where you’re at with your drinking. It provides you with a personal snapshot with some recommendations on what steps to take next.

If you are a daily drinker or have had some physical discomfort when you have tried to cut back it’s a good idea to check with your GP before you make any changes.

Think mindfulness

You might have heard the phrase ‘being aware is halfway there’. Taking a step back and becoming aware of why and how you are drinking can help create a shift in the way you think about alcohol.

When you feel like reaching for that drink, pause and ask yourself why you want that drink. Is it just a habit or are you thirsty? Could you have a non alcoholic drink instead?

Being mindful about your relationship with alcohol can help you understand what role alcohol plays in your life. Read Mick’s inspiring story of how he unattached himself from alcohol.

One easy way to bring more awareness to your drinking is by monitoring your drinks. Our new Drink Tracker is a great tool to monitor your drinking. If you haven’t already, you can start tracking and be mindful of your drinking with the drink tracker in the Daybreak app today.

Taking the leap

When travelling, you don’t always have to see the whole journey to know that you are on your way. You might not see what is around the corner, however you choose to go on the journey anyway because you want to experience a new destination or way of life. Normalising non-drinking could be one way.

If you have already started your journey towards non-drinking, temporarily or long term, feel free to share your experience – it can be a source of inspiration to others. Everyone has a story to tell, and a journey towards a healthier relationship with alcohol and a healthier you.

We wish you all the best on your journey,

The Hello Sunday Morning Team


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  • So pleased to be one month sober today… with the help of Hello Sunday Morning. I joined about a year ago when I first became worried about my drinking. Finally, after a year of moderation – where I learned I could not moderate I finally called it quits. I ready recently “Moderation is for those who don’t need to moderate”. Every day I am pleased and proud that I quite. Thank you Sunday Morning

    By Wendy
    March 3, 2024
  • Hello all. My name is Tony. I’m 68 years young. I’ve been drinking since l was15.l was always surrounded by alcohol as l tended to go wherever it was. Just over 6 months ago l thought why? I had tried a couple of times with the cutting back with no effect. I’d mentioned it to my GP for help. To no avail. So like smoking ( l stopped 40 years ago) l thought no if you’re serious you’ll stop now. No more cutting back or looking for excuses. It was time and l had to do it. I have 2 shitzus who need me and depend on me and who l love very special. . So l stopped. I must admit l started on alcohol free beer. The wine l just stopped altogether. I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a day plus beer. I stopped drinking Red Wine and Port 3 years ago. They were like a depressent. Now l don’t really miss alcohol. I still drink alcohol free beer and no wine at all. I seriously wish l had done this years ago. Trust me it hasn’t always been easy. You just need a bit of willpower. You’ll loose a few friends but were they really friends at all or just drinking mates. Well that’s pretty much my story. Good luck and keep at it. Always hold your head high and you’ll reap the rewards. Take care and stay safe.

    By Tony
    March 3, 2024
  • Hello Australia. It is now 6:30 am on a Sunday Morning in Florida, USA. Literally. I am now 88 years old–not many left–and while I do have the aches and stiffness normal to those of my years, I have awakened refreshed and alert and looking forward to my day, which, if the predicted rain allows, will include a round of golf. That was not the case a few short months ago, after an evening of a few beers and a couple of glasses of red wine the night before, when I started the day fatigued and with “brain fog”. I consider this a miraculous change and hope to have it last until I “give up the ghost”, but I know that unless I stay strong, it will not.
    I owe HSM for much of the credit for this situation and hope that someday HSM will be awarded a well-deserved Nobel Prize. You deserve it.


    By Carl
    March 3, 2024
  • Understanding the actual physiological impact of alcohol on the body (organs, brain, intestines, etc) is something that very few drinkers appreciate until confronted with it head-on. All of us who use alcohol know that we are causing damage, however the real extent is seldom understood.

    By Inus
    March 4, 2024
    • Thank You, We need to hear this over and over again. Thank you.
      Cause deep in our minds and bellies, we know it’s True.
      But our minds can be very childish:
      “If one can not see it, it’s not there” ……..
      I feel a deep gratitude for my body now and I want to please my body by not drinking and smoking.
      And I’m feeling GOOD 🙂

      By Coco
      April 2, 2024
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